
How to distract all the twists in Dandy’s world

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Someone has to occupy the twists!

Distractions are just as essential as extracts to survive the increasingly dangerous floors. While extracts focus on collecting resources, distractions pull the deadly twists away from the team. It is a role that practices master. In this guide, we will share the best tips, toons and strategies to help you become an experienced entertainment and keep your team living in Dandy’s world.

Best to use to distract the world of dandy

Speed ​​is key to highlight as entertainment. While it is possible to distract with 3 ★ Movement speed, we strongly recommend at least 4 ★ As you descend to low floors, where twists become faster and more difficult. Here are the best Toons to help you stay before the chaos:

Toon Rarity Benefits and consumption
Pebble Main character + 5 ★ Movement Speed: Out all twisted.
+ Talk! Skill: Attach the attention of Twisted to Pebble.
Flutter Regular + Float Ability: Great for getting out of cunning situations with a speed of speed.
4 ★ Movement speed: Depending on trinkets.
Sprout Main character + Overprotective passive: the heart level and monitoring of other Toon. Great to know which areas to avoid while entertaining.
+ Healer: Restores one heart to another player.
Cannot heal himself.
4 ★ Movement speed: Depending on trinkets.
Goob Regular + 2 ★ Stealth: A lowest states in the game, meaning Twisteds will always target him.
4 ★ Movement speed: Depending on trinkets.
Tisha Regular + Jack of all businesses, excellent speed with good extraction statistics.
+ Ordered! Ability: Helps slower teammates get out of Twisted. It fights Vee’s slow debut.
4 ★ Movement speed: Depending on trinkets.

Choose Toon that is best suited for your team and play style, but the main priorities need to be speed and skills that keep the Twisted focused on you.

Best Srops to distract Dandy’s world

Pairing the right fast-accelerator drink can make all the difference while distracting on lower floors. Here are the top trinkets to hold you in front of the fastest twists:

A drink Effect
Fast shoes +5% walk and run speed
Dog plush +10% walking speed
Pink arch +7.5% run speed at 7.5%

Speed ​​is the best friend of entertainment, and trinkets like fast shoes, dog lead, and pink bow gives you the edge you need. Quick shoes offer balance boosts for versatility, while Dog Plush stands out for constant movement and pink bow while springs. These options help you exterminate hard main characters like Twisted Pebble or Shelly.

How to distract twists in Dandy’s world

Poppy distracts a spotted flute in Dandy's world on Roblox.
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Master entertainment is only about time limit, positioning and awareness. Here’s how to keep twists focused on you while protecting your team:

  • Solve the floor to locate all the twists and attract you.
  • Lure twists to areas away from other players and machines.
  • Balance your distance: Too far and they will lose interest; Too close and you will damage.
  • Teamexer: On later floors, combos like Twisted Vee and Twisted Pebble can overwhelm a single entertainment, call backup if needed!

Common, unusual, and rare Twists tips

Despite the majority of Twisted in these three categories, our main advice reduces to one advice:

  • Check out their moving speed: If slower than you, stay visible; If faster, weave around obstacles like tables to slow them down.

Main characters and deadly twisted tips

  • Twisted growth: When he stops moving, push forward and avoid the Ichor wells. Look for big, open spaces to distract him.
  • Twisted star: Applies tired III -Debuff, which slows your character, holding attention to stamina and distance is key.
  • Twisted pebble And Twisted shelly: Run tight curls around shelves or other large islands, they may wind corners.
  • Twisted vee: Find a large, open room and keep distance while clicking away from her advertisements.
  • Twisted dandy: Keep him far from teammates. He is slow but kills immediately.

With the right toon, drink and tactics, you will be entertainment that your team can trust. Practice these tips, learn the gap of each twisted, and bring yourself and your team to new depths in the Dandy world!

Now that you are the master to distract, check out more tips like all the trips in Dandy’s world and how to get them at Pro -Game Guides!

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