How to fast travel over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite

Completing Fortnite quests is my favorite pastime in Fortnite because it gives me more things to do on a map besides hunting down players and winning matches. One weekly challenge was particularly stunt-like and, thus, fun to complete. Here’s how to fast travel over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite.
How to complete ‘Travel 400 meters over water while infused with Nitro’ Fortnite challenge
To complete the “Travel 400 meters over water while infused with Nitro” weekly challenge in Fortnite, you must travel (with or without a vehicle) over water while infused with Nitro. So what you need is a a place that has shallow water and a Flaming Boost Hoop that gives you a much needed boost. If you know a good place to jump through the hoops, you won’t be forced to find a boss vehicle or buy Nitro boosters.
Sounds easy until you realize that the most logical place, the Nitrodrome area, is crawling with enemies (mobs and players). After a few unsuccessful visits, I realized that I needed a better place if I wanted to complete the Fortnite week 2 quest into pieces easily.
Best place to drive over water while infused with Nitro in Fortnite (Map)

The best place to complete the “Travel 400 meters over water while infused with Nitro” Fortnite quest is at the lake in the center of the map. It has everything you need: a car parked near a Flaming Boost Hoop and a large shallow water surface. Even if some opponents shoot at you, it doesn’t matter because they won’t be able to catch you while you complete the challenge.
To complete the challenge, get in the car, run through the Flaming Boost Hoop and drive around the lake until you reach 400 meters. You can do it without a car, but it’s easier, faster and safer to do it while driving.
Now that you know How to complete the “Travel 400 meters above water while infused with Nitro” Fortnite challenge, check out the Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 map on Pro Game Guides.