How to find all 9 Christmas Foods in Secret Stay (Locations)
The latest holiday update for Secret Staycation has lots of new Christmas food to find. They’re pretty well hidden, though, so you’ll have to look very carefully or get help to find all nine.
Secret Staycation vacation dining spots
If you want to collect all the food in Secret Staycation on Roblox, you need to get these limited, holiday-themed foods before they’re no longer available. Here are all nine locations and what you need to do to get each one.
Christmas Cake
The Christmas Cake is located up above the couch on top of the air conditioner. To get there, you have to climb on top of the fridge, then go through the hood to get to the zipline that goes to the opposite corner of the room. This cake will be at the end of that zip line.
A Christmas Egg
The Christmas Egg will be through the mouse hole that is under the side table near the Christmas tree in the starting room. Walk through the trains and under the table, and look for the small white dot in the wall. You will need to be a small food, like a blueberry to enter. Go through the maze avoiding the Rat, then out onto the courtyard outside. The Christmas Egg will hide behind the pink watering can next to the snowman.
To get the Lemon, you will need to play Hide and Seek on the Playground. Use the swing to jump onto the wall, and look for a mini hot spring hidden in the foliage. This didn’t spawn in the same place for me every time, so you may have to look around for it or try multiple times to get it. The Lemon will float in the hot spring.
Pistachio Macaron
The Macaron will be the easiest to find; you’ll just need to fall off the starting counter, then jump forward until you see the Christmas tree on the left. Under the tree will be the cookie you are looking for.
star fruit
In the main room, climb on top of the refrigerator and jump to the ledge on the window. The Star Fruit will be inside the star at the top of the Christmas tree, and you can just jump from the window.
To get the Walnut, you have to defeat the soybean mother. You need a medium or larger fruit to do this; after you’ve been reborn as a big enough fruit, you have to go into the toilet. Flush the toilet, then interact with the Christmas carousel until it makes music. After the music playsyou have to defeat the boss of this level by giving her all her children. If you don’t play the music with the Christmas carousel first, you won’t get the Walnut. Here’s a video on how to defeat her:
White Asparagus
To get the White Asparagus, you will need to plant the ice-looking seed in your garden. Grab this seed, then drag it to the pot with your name on it. Once it’s planted, jump into the fountain at the end closest to the exit and wet your fruit, then return them to your pot. Drip over the plant until the soil is wet and dark. This will later grow into the Asparagus.
White Chocolate Donut
The Christmas donut will be in the hidden level called Store. It will be at the top of the shelf with the tissues and hanging bags of snacks. You have to climb the cold case and jump to get it.
White Strawberry
The final food to find for Christmas is the White Strawberry. It is located inside the main room on the far wall across from the spawn point. There are some stockings hanging on the wall, and the strawberry is inside one of them. To get there, you have to climb onto the table next to the Christmas tree and keep climbing until you get to the shelf. You will be able to jump from the edge into the stocking.
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