How to find and capture Prixter in Palworld (Map)

Some Friends are more useful than others, and if you have trouble with directions in Dungeons Prixter is just the right Friend for you. Here is a map to help you find and capture Prixter in Palworld.
Where to find Prixter in Palworld (Location)
The habitat of the Prixter is the North Rock Field in Sakurajima. Go to the quick point and then continue down the beach. I usually find quite a few of them at -656, 312, but they are usually everywhere on the beach. This place is very good for farming various Comrades, and you even have a Menasting Terra alpha boss to defeat here.
How to catch Prixter in Palworld
Prixter is a Darkness and Soil type A friend who is usually around level 45+, so equip yourself with the best armor and weapons. If you don’t have Plasteel armor, then Pale Metal Ingot will continue to work as long as you have strong weapons and strong Buddies (they can’t harm you if they don’t live long enough to kill you).
Your arsenal should include a Rocket Launcher because it does a lot of damage quickly and easily (especially if you have the Legendary scheme). When it comes to Pals, you want to bring a selection of Dragon and Types of herbs. Jetragon is always a great choice, but you can also add Warsect and Quivern Botan as support.
How to breed a Prixter in Palworld
For people who prefer to farm Buddies instead of catching them (this comes in handy when you want to farm buddies), there’s an easy way to Bred Prixter in Palworld. Set up a Breeding farm and place a male and female version of Cinnamon and Beacon to get the egg you want.
All Prixter Skills in Palworld
The biggest reason everyone should have a Prixter available to put on the team is its Partner Ability, Scorpion Sonnar. Using this ability will allow you to track cave entrances while exploring the Dungeons. If you farm for Slab shards and just want to get through a Dungeon quickly (without exploring), then you need to have a Prixter in your party. You should also have it in your party if you get lost easily like me.
In addition to its Partner Ability, Prixter is also very useful at the base with the Lumbering lvl3. If you’re short on charcoal for Gunpowder and need to chop down some trees, set up a Prixter for this task.
- Lumbering lvl3
- Production of Medicine lv1
- Collection lv1
To collect all pals in the game, check out All Palworld Sakurajima Pals Locations, Type, Drops and more in Pro Game Guides.