How to find and defeat Warlord Rainmaker in CoD Modern Warfare 3 Zombies (MWZ)

Season 3 Reloaded just hit live servers and with it comes a ton of content for Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, including new schemes, a new story mission, and most importantly: a new Warlord to defeat. We are here to show you how to find and remove Warlord Rainmaker.
Where to find and how to defeat Warlord Rainmaker in MW3 Zombies (Location)
Warlord Rainmaker is not a hard man to find and that is due to the fact that he does not hide. You will find his base of operations southeast of Urzikstan and southeast of Shahin Manor. There are several zip lines leading to the island, or if you want to swim, you can dive and approach by water.
How to enter Warlord Rainmaker's fortress in MW3 Zombies
To enter Warchief Rainmaker's stronghold there are a few hoops to jump through. You will first need a Mercenary Stronghold Keycardsome extra firepower, and finally the Rainmaker Fortress Key Card. All of these can be obtained in a fairly quick manner.
How to get the Mercenary Stronghold Key Card (Map)
You will have two options to get the Mercenary Stronghold Keycard. First, you want to open your Tac Map and find a Mercenary Camp. Avoid any camps in the Tier 2 or 3 Exclusion Zone as it adds extra difficulty for you and your squad. Once you've found the camp, go there and wipe out any merchants in the area. Inside the camp there will be a chest for you to loot that gives a Mercenary Stronghold Keycard.
The second option is to go to anyone Buy a Station and buy a Mercenary Stronghold Keycard for 2000 credits. This option may be viable for those with more cash or who wish to complete a quick contract rather than searching the map for a merc camp.
How to get the Rainmaker Fortress Key Card (Map)
After recovering from the Mercenary Keycard either of the Mercenary Camp or a Buy a Stationhead to a Mercenary Fortress. Inside you will find a small army ready to charge you with riot shields and throw grenades at you. Make sure you have yours best load for this purpose. As you go through the Keep, you will find a safe (usually located on the second floor).
Break the safe and lock down the area, as a few waves of mercs will try to stop you from stealing their loot. Once the safe is opened, take the Rainmaker Fortress Key Card and go straight to the man himself.
How to beat Warlord Rainmaker in MW3 Zombies
As you approach the island, you'll notice the annoyingly accurate charges being dropped on your head; Rainmaker employs Mortar crews to rain explosives on his enemies constantly. Your best option here is to storm the island quickly and take the ziplines across the water, taking down some enemy fighters as you go. Be warned: Rainmaker has more than mortars up its sleeves; you'll find C4 excurb wires and Claymores scattered across the island.
As you move through the compound clearing naive traps, you'll find you have two choices. You can immediately enter the building and face the boss or expertly dispatch all the enemies surrounding the area before dealing with the Warlord.
I was lucky enough to find a Juggernaut pack allowing me to get in Rainmaker's face and out-duel him. If you're having trouble and aren't so lucky, you can spend a few minutes collecting some credits to Pack-a-Punch your weapon to give it a little extra kick.
A quick tip: Sometimes you can be lucky enough for a Purchase Station to spawn on Rainmaker's island. If that's the case, you can quickly stock up on armor plates whenever you're low.
What does Warlord Rainmaker drop? (All rewards)
After killing the beast you will be rewarded with the DG-56 Clean House plan and two more random items. Surprisingly, the DG-56 blueprint doesn't unlock the weapon outside of MW3 Zombies, so completists looking for cool cosmetics won't find it here. Of the remaining two pieces of loot you can expect to find one legendary tier wonder weapon and a completely random epic grade loot. All that remains is to extract without accidentally tripping over some Claymores on the way out.
That's all we have on Rainmaker and how to defeat him. If you're looking for more Call of Duty content, check out Hope in humanity restored as CoD community helps fan with one ear, EU CoD players smash world record Warzone nuke in 7 minutes 45 seconds, and more in Pro Game Guides.