How to find and use the Snow Globe in Fisch

The Fishmas update is here on Roblox Fish and brings exciting new changes to the game including the limited time Winter Village world POI, fish, rods, boats, mutations, skins and much more. To enter the new area, you will need an item called a Magic Snow Globe; here’s how to get and use it.
How to find the Magic Snow Globe in Fisch
The Snow Globe is available to all players by default after the Fischmas upgrade, unlike some other items that must be obtained through quests or research. After launching Fisch, you will find the Magic Snow Globe in your inventory at the bottom of your screen. If not, open your backpack (press `) and look for it there; otherwise, type “Snow Globe” in the search bar, and press enter to display it.
How to use the Magic Snow Globe in Fisch

click on the Magic Snow Globe in your inventory to draw it into your hands and again, press the cursor on the hand carrying the globe to shake it. This will disfigure you and teleport you to the new one Winter Village area in Fisch. That’s the snow globe’s only use: to teleport you to Winter Village.
How to leave the Winter Village in Fisch

Shaking the Magic Snow Globe, over and over again, keeps teleporting you back to the same spawn point in the Winter Village. if you want go back to Moosewood, interact with the Magic Mirror near Jolly Stuffz and Cole (next to the spawn point itself).
What to do in the Winter Village in Fisch
Winter Village is a limited-time POI added to Fisch as part of the Fishmas Christmas-themed event. From where you spawn, you can turn around and go to the fishing area to catch up to 15 new limited time fish, discover four fish mutations and use two new boats. Otherwise, you can walk right into the Winter Village and interact with the NPCs there.
You’ll find Cole at the start who will sell you items from the shop, including the limited time winter pack, credits, skins and more. Next to him will be the Festive Bait Crate, which you can buy for 1,500 credits. Inside the village, you’ll find the new Santa’s Quest starter (see the first image) and the Candy Cane Fishing Rod for sale for 1,500 credits.
For more on Roblox, check out Fisch Fishing Rod Tier List (Fischmas) on Pro Game Guides.