How to find Rebel Hideouts in LEGO Fortnite

One of the earliest quests players are tasked with in LEGO Fortnite involves finding rebel outposts in the desert. This can be done with the help of Macrobino colors provided by Captain Bravara. Here's how you can quickly.
How to get Macrobinoculars and how to use them in LEGO Fortnite
Once you've spawned in the world of your choice, LEGO Fortnite will give you the freedom to create and build your own camp. After building a campfire as you normally would, you can see Captain Bravara wandering around the area.
After a short introduction, she'll give you the context of what's going on in the game. Right after that, you'll get Macrobinoculars, which go directly into your inventory. Remember that you must drag and drop the Macrobinocular from your inventory into your quick slot.

After doing this, the Macrobinoculars become usable and all you have to do is press and hold the use a key to see through them. This is when you will see the Rebel Alliance logo. Start running in this direction, ignoring the terrain or wild animals that hinder your journey.
Locating the Rebel Base and exploring it

Now that you have located the hideout, please explore this area and move on with the quest. It is important to note that all your progress will be saved even if you quit the game and pick it up later. The next line of quests can lead you to more difficult scenarios, such as unlocking a bunker that leads to obtaining a lightsaber.

Related: How to find and accept Shadow Briefings in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 (All map locations)
If you lose your Macrobino colors (just like me!) thanks to a deadly wild animal or starvation, there is a quick fix to this. Simply restart the game or load into a new world find them again Doing so might lead to another introductory conversation with Captain Bravada, but it's worth the trouble.
Outside of LEGO Fortnite, there's a lot to do this season. For more helpful Fortnite guides like this one, check out some of the best Escape Room Maps in Fortnite Creative, right here on Pro Game Guides.