How to find someone in Shadows of Doubt: Fingerprint, phone number, photos and more

In Shadows of Doubt, you’ll be looking for suspects a lot. However, sometimes you won’t get much information. So, here’s our guide on how to find someone in Shadows of Doubt, even with limited information.
How to find someone with just a phone number in Shadows of Doubt
Finding someone from just a phone number is harder than it seems. You won’t be able to get an exact address, but you can reduce your suspect to a single building. First, you want to go to anyone Eater in your city, and use the phone to call your suspect. (You can do this from other buildings, but Diners are consistently easy places to find phone record boxes.) It doesn’t matter if they answer or not, just hang up when you made the call. You will then want to go to the Diner’s courtyard (the piece blocked by the wooden fence), and locate one of the buildings shown below.
Come in, but be careful. Each of these areas has a scout laser that you should deactivate before attempting to enter the box of phone records. You will need to open the phone box and then interact with the switch panel. This will bring up your case board. hit the ‘outgoing‘ tab to see all calls made from the building, and check to see which building the phone call went to.

From there, you’ll have to do some good old fashioned detective work. Use any additional information, search resident files and ask around to find your suspect.
How to find someone with just a fingerprint in Shadows of Doubt

If the only information you have on a suspect is a fingerprint, this can actually be a difficult case. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances here.
If you are in any case, a great bet is to scan the mailboxes of any apartment buildings you come across. It’s tedious work, but if you get a match on a mailbox, you already have an address for your suspect, and it’s as simple as tracking them from there.
Something else you can do is check the employee details files of some businesses you might be researching. These files are always stored in a file cabinetusually in the key management area of a business. (Marked with a blue CCTV symbol on the door.)

All employee details files will contain the relevant citizen’s fingerprints, and you might get lucky and hit a match. If you do, find the relevant employee’s desk and locate theirs employment contractwhich is usually kept in or on their desk. Reading this will give you the address of your suspect. You can find which desk belongs to which employee by checking the name posters on their desks, which when hovered over, will show you whose desk it is.

Another option is to check the Government Database in City Hall, which we talked about more in our Shadows of Doubt Guide. This will be a tedious job though, because usually you need a name. However, you can enter a few random two letters, see what names come up, and search from there. I would advise against doing this though. Going through a bunch of citizen files can really take some of the challenge out of later cases.

How to find someone with only a description in Shadows of Doubt

This is any case where you only have a description of their physical features, and I’m sad to say that these can prove to be a total waste of your time. If you don’t have a photo (discussed later) of the suspect, your best bet for these cases is simple leave them until later.
As you do other cases, talk to people, and compile various profiles, there’s a chance you’ll meet someone matching this description. Better yet, the automatic filling feature will kick in when you do, automatically populating “unknown citizen” files as you discover more information about them, whether you put it together yourself or not. Check the case from time to time to see if there is new information.
If you’re really in a hurry, then just strike up conversations with random passers-by on the street. You won’t be able to ask them if they know the suspect (you need a photo or name for that), but you can hit ‘inspect’ when looking at a citizen to see if they have matching features. Using the Kaizen V-Love Plus Sync Disk can really help here.
How to find someone with just a picture in Shadows of Doubt
These instances, although tedious at times, can actually be really simple. If you have a photo of your target, simply approach any Citizen and press the ‘Do you know this person?‘ dialog option.

Some of them will tell you to get lost, and some of them will say they don’t know them, but you’ll eventually meet someone who will give you a rough estimate of where they last saw them, or they’ll tell. you exactly who they are.
When you finally have a name, just go to any city directory in any business with a phone and a work board, and get their address.
How to find someone from just their workplace in Shadows of Doubt
Finding someone with just their workplace is a bit fifty-fifty in terms of difficulty. To locate someone from where they work, go to the business in question and find the locked admin area as discussed earlier in the fingerprints section.
However, since you only have the location where they work, you’ll need to read through every detail file here properly, and match any other information you may already have. Again, the autofill feature comes in very handy here, so keep checking back on your case board to see if you hit any matches. From there, are discussed earlier, locate their desk to find their employment, and reach it.
How to find someone by job title or salary in Shadows of Doubt
This is another situation where you may need to leave the case on the back burner if this is all the information you have. Keep checking employee detail files, and wait for the auto-fill feature to kick in, or check any employment contracts you find in offices or homes to find a match for the job title or salary.
How to find someone by Blood Type or Age in Shadows of Doubt
Again, this is another “leave it for now” issue for both pieces of information. To find blood types in Shadows of Doubt, you will need to locate ‘organ donor‘cards that people usually keep in their wallets. Age can be found out by finding birth certificates, which people usually keep in boxes in wardrobes in their place of residence. If you have an exact date of birth, instead of JUST their age in years, that can be slightly more useful, but multiple citizens can still share a date of birth. Again, just check birth certificates in homes/wallets.
If you only have one or both of these pieces of information, you may want to consider closing the case, as it would simply be too difficult to track them down. Even the autofill function needs unique information, and ages and blood types can be shared between multiple citizens.
Find someone from CCTV footage it’s actually basically the same process as finding someone from just their picture, it just takes a few extra steps. Find your suspect on CCTV, and press the ‘Print’ button on screen. This prints a copy of that surveillance shot you want to take.
Bring the CCTV shot, and hit the ‘Connections‘ tab to the right of the image. You will see an entry that says something to the effect of ‘An Unknown Citizen appears outside‘ followed by the time and date of the image. Click on this tab to get an “Unknown Citizen” file, albeit with a picture of the suspect. From there, follow the steps in searching for someone from the photo section.
How to find someone of their name in Shadows of Doubt
All of the tips in this guide are mostly there to help you find your suspect’s name, because once you have it, it’s basically game over. To find someone of their name, go anywhere with a phone and tablet, and search for the ‘City Directory‘. It’s a blue book that will be next to the phone.
The city directory works with ‘FIRSTNAMEINITIAL. FULL NAME’, so say you’re looking for Ethan McBridge, you’d select the ‘MNO’ tab to the right of the book, and search for ‘E. McBride’. Open your suspect’s name, and that will bring up their address for you to pin. Now get out there, and get arrested/robbed!
If you found this guide helpful, and you’re looking for more Shadows of Doubt content from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our Shadows of Doubt Prosecutor!