
How to find Whirlpools in Lootify – Roblox

In the latest Roblox updates, the developers of Lootify released a new feature called Whirlpools. Indicative of its name, these spawn in the sea and have a spinning vortex appearance. If you don’t know how to find one or the uses of finding it, let me explain to you!

How to locate whirlpools in Lootify

To answer the burning question, Whirlpools are random events in the game and can spawn anywhere on the vast open sea, however in my experience, as well as the opinions shared by other players. They usually tend to spawn a bit near the outer coasts of main islands rather than in open seas. So, coast along these areas using your mount, then search the open seas. Also, if you are a new player, you need your turtle water mount to travel in the sea. You can buy this for 20K Gold Coins after defeating the Blade final boss in the first world.

What is the use of Whirlpools in Lootify?

Many people, myself included, assumed that Whirlpool was some sort of hazard that players had to overcome on their way to other islands. But it is completely wrong! In turn, they are actually events/items that can be interacted with to gain likes. Yes, you read it right: interacting with Whirlpool will give a permanent 1% random buff to the players; these can be Coins, XPor even good luck buffs. So, try to find as many Whirlpools as possible to make your build even better in Lootify. Another important thing to be noted is that there are very limited Whirlpools that spawn each day.

For more on Roblox Lootify, Check Out All 6 Cat Locations in Lootify – Roblox or Lootify Codes

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