
How to fix Failed to Extract error in Content Warning

There is nothing worse than losing all your pictures due to a mistake like this. Here's how to fix the Failed to Extract error in Content Warning, and hopefully, you'll be able to recover some of your creepy content.

How to resolve the Content Warning Failed to Extract video error

Of course, you don't want to lose that hilarious footage of your friends' funny faces being attacked by a strange Spider monster. However, this can unfortunately happen due to a bug confirmed by the developer, which will hopefully be fixed in the next patch. Until then, check out how to resolve the Content Warning Failed to Extract video error.

Related: All Content Warnings Controls and Keyboards (PC)

If the video takes too long to extract, you will most likely get this error in the next few minutes. My crew and I were confused at first because we hadn't seen this happen before. If this happens to you, aside from just watching the device beg to release your footage, there are two things you can do.

First, you can press F3 to save the video. But remember that this will only save the video to yourself on your computer, and you won't be able to upload it to the game's Spooktube. If you don't have enough subscribers in the game, this probably also means the end of a run.

If you keep getting the Failed to Extract error every time you come back to the surface, the best thing to do is exit Content Warning, restart Steam, and then open the game again. This should solve your problem, and you'll be able to upload all of your exploring the dark videos again.

If you're afraid of the creatures in the dark and want to know more about them, check out All Content Warning Monsters and how to deal with them in Pro Game Guides.

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