How to fix UNIFORM-01 error in XDefiant

When a new game is released, it’s common for it to experience problems and bugs at first. For XDefiant, UNIFORM-01 is the latest thorn in the side, but there is a way that you may be able to fix the problem.
How to solve UNIFORM-01 error in XDEFIANT (Fix)
UNIFORM-01 error can occur for several reasons, but most often it seems to show itself when related to connectivity issues between you in the game. Most likely, you are seeing this error appear because the servers for XDefiant are having problems or are overloaded. However, there are a few things you can try that might solve the problem for you directly.
Reset your Ubisoft Password
This is an odd solution, but one Ubisoft itself has recommended in the past for this exact error. Regardless of your platform, log in to your Ubisoft account and try to reset it. Next, try connecting to the XDefiant servers and see if you can get through. While I haven’t heard any confirmed reports of this working, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. These types of things can be strangely fickle at times.
Retry the Connection
While this may seem obvious, retrying to connect with the XDefiant servers may let you bypass this error, especially if the problem is actually the servers. While there is no explicitly stated “retry” button present, just pressing confirm will retry the connection for you.
Restart XDefiant
Sometimes, a clean restart can solve even the most annoying problems. Considering how annoying this nasty error is, a reboot may be enough. Sometimes your game client is just out of date and that can be a reason why you can’t connect to servers. A reboot should prompt for an update if there is one, but even if it doesn’t, there’s no harm in giving it a try.
Wait for Ubisoft to fix the problem
Unfortunately, if you’ve reached this point and still see the UNIFORM-01 error, then you’ll have to wait for Ubisoft to fix the problem. The good news is that if you’re here, the problem probably has nothing to do with you, and all you have to do is be patient. don’t worry Ubisoft won’t let this bug go on for long as it prevents players from playing their new mod game. What game company wants that?
If you are looking to update with XDefiant, check that XDefiant servers are live but players can’t join games and are plagued with errors right here on Pro Game Guides.