
How to get all lightning magical scrolls in Rune Slayer

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Mage is one of the best classes in Rune Slayer, as it allows you to drop even the strongest enemies, all keeping them far away. But to become the strongest magic, you need to collect equally stronger writers. This is how you can get lightning magic scrolls to become lightning in Rune Slayer.

You can get lightning magical scrolls in Rune Slayer by Trading electrical energy with the flash spirit NPC on top of Stormpeak Mountain. Currently you can get three lightning magical roulettes: stormy sphere, chain lightning and thunder.

Lightning -spirit NPC in Rune Slayer.
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The mountain is located northeast of Wayshire, and climbing it is one of the hardest tasks in the game. To get the electrical energy needed to trade, you need to drop flash spirits. These are small blue crowds that float in the air, and you can drop them by pairing their attacks.

Remember that lightning spirits do not always drop electrical energy, so you may have to continue farming for it. Also the lightning -spirit NPC may not give all three scrolls in a row, so make sure to collect enough electricity before you turn to him.

Here is a summary of every light magical move in Rune Slayer and what it does:

Scroll Rarity Mana used Effect
Chain lightning Common 50 Sends lightning that also attacks other nearby enemies
A stormy sphere Rare 40 Shoots a sphere of lightning
Thunder strike Rare 100 Calls a cloud that strikes an enemy with lightning

This is just about igniting Rune Slayer. Be sure to check out our final Rune Slayer -starter and complete final game guide for Rune Slayer guides!

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