
How to get Bronze in Hades 2

Bronze is a resource in Hades 2 that can only be found by deviating from the main story of the game. If you need it for your next crafting recipe, I'll show you exactly how to find bronze for all your crafting and upgrading needs.

Where to find Bronze in Hades 2

Bronze is a rarer resource in Hades 2 because it is found on the path on the surface, not the path to the underworld. You must go up the stairs past the weapon area which is unlocked after completing the Penetration of Witching Wards Incantation. Be sure to bring the pickaxe or you won't be able to mine the bronze.

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Bronze is mined from piles of shining armor in these rooms. I usually find it in the third room the earliest, so you'll want to rush through the first few rooms until you see the pile of armor.

A broken pile of armor giving bronze in Hades 2
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Once you find the pile of armor, it can be mined just like any other material.

How to complete the Incantation of Permeation of Witching-Wards

The hardest part of getting Bronze is unlocking the surface with the Permeation of Witching-Wards Incantation. It begins by defeating Hecate and meeting a shadowy man before entering Ocean.

Meeting a stranger after defeating Hecate in Hades 2
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You'll meet him one more time, but won't see him again until after you defeat Scylla, the final boss of Oceanus. After defeating her, Hermes will appear at the start of one of your next runs. He will tell you that Olympus needs your help on the surface.

Hermes mentioned Melinoe going to Olympus in Hades 2
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The next time you fight Hecate, the words of Hermes will be mentioned but nothing will come of it. During one of the following runs, you will meet Artemis and talk to her about the words of Hermes. Other gods can mention the situation on the surface as well.

Artemis talking about Melinoe going to the surface in Hades 2
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In your next battle against Hecate, she will mention the words of Hermes and give you the Enchantment of Witches-Wizards.

Learning the Penetration of Witching-Wards Incantation in Hades 2
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The recipe will be added to the cauldron, but you won't be able to do anything with it because you have no Shadows.

The recipe for the Witching-Wards Permeation Recipe in Hades 2
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How to get Shadows in Hades 2

Shadows can be created using the Shadow Extraction Recipe. However, you still won't have this recipe. I played two more runs and talked to Chronos one more time. After returning from the second run, the recipe for Shadow Extraction was in my cauldron.

Doing a Shadow Extraction in Hades 2
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To complete the recipe, you will need to gather the following ingredients.

  • 30 Ash that can be caught during any run.
  • 30 Psyche, which can be captured during the run or by using the Tablet of Peace to compel ghosts.
  • 3 Fortune Cloth of the Miserable Broker.

The recipe requires you to combine these ingredients and then wait. When you run through the game one more time, the Shadow Extraction should be complete.

Finishing Shadow Extraction in Hades 2
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Now you can complete the Penetration of the Wizard Quarters Enchantment using the following ingredients.

  • 1 Ashes of defeating Hecate.
  • 1 Shadow from the Shadow Extraction recipe.
  • 3 Moly flowers that can be grabbed while running.
Completing the Penetration of Witching-Wards Incantation in Hades 2
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After completing the Enchantment, go to the weapon room to watch a short scene about the stairs being used.

Unlocking the wards on the stairs to Olympus in Hades 2
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For more Hades 2, check out How to increase Grasp in Hades 2 here on Pro Game Guides.

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