
How to get Cid Kagenou V2 sword in a verse piece

CID V2 is one of the strongest swords in VP, and it is actually one of the easiest final game swords. But there are some Noob traps that can slow down your grinding significantly. So, to help you, here’s our Complete guide on how to get CID Kagenou V2 in a verse piece.

How to get a cid v2 sword (weapon) in a verse piece – requirements

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Below is the short list of Requirements to obtain the CID Kagenou V2 sword In Verse piece. Below, we dive deeper into how to meet each of the requirements. After you got everything, interact with the Shadow teacher NPC During the night at the top of the tower at Frosty town (Lv. 5,000-7.500) to get CID V2.

  • 10,000 gems
  • 2 Cid’s eyes
  • 2,500 shadow fragments
  • Shadow King Trait Equipped
  • Shadow Garden Title
  • Cid kagenou sword owned

How to get shadow fragments in a verse piece

Shadow Castle Dungeon in a verse piece
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Shadow fragments is dripping from the shadowy castle cavity. You can enter this pit for 2,500 gems And 1 Dungeon -ticket Speaking with the Spawn Dungeon NPC on the island of Runes. There are two modes for this cavity: Easy And Hard. Hard mode awards more shadow fragments, and therefore you should try to do it if you can.

How to play hard mode and get a shadow garden title in a verse piece

Player in the Shadow Castle Dungeon Hard mode in a verse piece
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You get the Shadow Garden Title of defeating the Shadow Castle Cav on Hard mode 10 times. You can choose the difficulty by clicking Hard on the At the top right of the screen After entering the pit and before you click start. Changing difficulty after clicking repetition won’t do anything.

How to get cid kagenou sword v1 & cid the eyes in a verse piece

Event Exchange NPC in verse piece
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You can buy both the Cid Kagenou V1 Sword (1,000 shady fragments) and the 2 Cida eyes (2,500 shadow fragments x 2) at the Trader of Event events On Initial island (Lv. 1-100). Note that the Maximum number of shadow fragments you can have in your inventory are 2,500. So, you’ll have to go and buy every eye individually after exhaustion. The same happens for the CID sword.

How to get a shadowy royal feature in a verse piece

Trait Reroll NPC in a verse piece
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The Shadow Royal Trait is an an Exotic rare fall (0.025% chance) of the features rerun NPC. You can use the feature -storage to save it if you still have no other resources and don’t want to use it. There is no other way to get this feature other than reroup.

That makes it for our guide on how to get a CID V2 sword in a verse piece. For more VP content, including our racial and specific lists, visit the verse category here on PGG.

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