How to get Echo EXP in Wuthering Waves – Echo EXP farming guide

While Wuthering Waves has a Pokedex-like library of Echoes, these battle companions are difficult to level up because their leveling materials are relatively hard to come by. Here are some things you can do to get Sealed Tubes (Echo EXP materials) in the game.
How to farm Sealed Tubes in Wuthering Waves – Echo EXP materials
Sealed Tubes are difficult to obtain as they can only be farmed through instances that require Wave Plates, meaning you’ll need to carefully manage your energy and balance Resonator and Echo upgrade farming to boost your account. Below are some of the most accessible ways to get Sealed Tubes in Wuthering Waves.
Tacet Fields
In the Forgery Challenge section of the Guidebookgo to the Tacet Field Cleaning section to find the list of all available Echo farming fields in your world. These are open world Domains where you have to defeat waves of TDs and use 60 Wave plates to claim rewardsincluding Tuners, random Echoes, and Sealed Tubes (Echo-level materials).
Tacet Fields offers the best Corrugated Plate to Sealed Tube ratio while allowing you to farm for other materials you need to upgrade your Echoes. I highly recommend growing these when you can. To get the best rewards, try to increase your SOL3 Phase (world level) as quickly as possible to increase the amount and quality of the reward.

Completing Bosses and Weekly Challenges is necessary to farm Resonator upgrade materials, but you can get some bonus Sealed Tubes for each battle completed. There are no additional benefits for Echoes, but if you’re short on Waveplates and need both Resonator materials and Echo EXP, you can choose to farm Worldmasters to kill two birds with one stone.
Oscillated Choral Exchange

Every time you draw for a three-star weapon, you will be rewarded with 15 Oscillated Corals. Whether you draw a lot in Convention or not, you’ll accumulate a decent number of Oscillating Corals from unlucky draws. Fortunately, you can use them to buy a variety of useful items—including Echo EXP materials.
Go to the Item Exchange section of the Store, then select the Oscillated Coral tab. Your first priority would be to buy all Forging Tides, Lustrous Tides and Radiant Tides for free. If you still have some currency, consider buying Sealed Tubes to level up your Echoes. The shop resets every month.
Other ways to get Echo EXP
In addition to the options above, you can also obtain a very small number of Echo EXP materials from the following sources:
- Activity (Newspapers)
- Milestones
- Tower of Misfortune
- Tactical Holograms
- Search rewards
- Pioneering Podcast
- Opening of Supply Boxes
While the above aren’t necessarily farmable options, getting one-time rewards is still incredibly helpful whenever you’ve run out of Wave Plates to farm in Tacet Fields.
To upgrade your characters in WuWa, check out our guide on How to quickly farm Resonator EXP materials in Wuthering Waves here on Pro Game Guides.