How to get Fate Fabric in Hades 2

Hades 2 is full of various mythological items for players to discover and collect to unlock new abilities and power-ups. One such item is Fate Fabric, which is important to Melinoë in her travels through the Underworld. If you're wondering where to find it, here's our handy guide to getting Fate Fabric.
Where to find Fate Fabric in Hades 2
The earliest (and best) chance to get Fate Fabric in Hades 2 is from unlocking the Miserable Broker by the Cauldron at the Crossroads. Once you've made decent progress with Melinoë inside Erebus, the Enchantment “Call of Business Fortune” will be available at the Cauldron, which will officially unlock this unique merchant for the Crossroads.
The Miserable Broker sets up shop a short distance away, southwest of the Cauldron. Interacting with them brings up their current store inventory. Starting, it includes Ashes, Psyche, and Fate Cloth. Everything you buy from the Miserable Broker costs money bonesso be sure to collect as many as you can on your travels.
Fate Fabric doesn't come cheap (at least starting out), costing 60 Bones every one Once you have some, it can be used for “spells involving chance and fortune” at the Cauldron.
The other method to get Fate Fabric is from Arachne, although this is only through an occasional armor exchange. So it's not really a reliable means of getting it.
We hope you found this useful and let us know how you're enjoying the game so far, especially compared to the first Hades.
Be sure to check out all our Hades 2 guides and news, such as increasing Grasp. Also, be sure to check out our first impression of Hades 2 Early Access.