How to get food delivered to houses in Manor Lords

Managing the city in Manor Lords can be a logistical nightmare unless you find a way to make it work perfectly. One challenge is knowing how to get food delivered to houses in Manor Lords. Everything revolves around the marketplace.
The most efficient way to get food to Burgage Plots in Manor Lords
The best way to deliver food to all Burgage Plots (houses) in Manor Lords is to build them around the market, with the logistical help of at least two Storehouses. The hard part is to have a construction plan for the settlement in advance. When you start building houses, remember that you will need about 40 (and more!) at some point.
All houses receive resources from the marketplace, but Burgher Plots closest to the market will get food first. Build a narrow rectangular market spreading in a straight line with houses built on either side. This way you will have more Burgage Plots close to the market instead of having them in second or third rows.
As your town grows, create another marketplace on the edge of your settlement to take care of houses on the edge of town.
Related: How to get sheep in Manor Lords
Building several warehouses and barns
Having a large marketplace will help food distribution, but only so many food workers can come to the market. That's where Storehouses comes in to save the day. They will collect excess items and open stalls in the market. Think of them as resellers who populate the market with stocked products (not just food). Make sure you have enough updated Warehouses with the maximum number of workers. The same happens with Granaries.
Now that you know how to get food delivered to houses in Manor Lords, check out How to get more villagers and families in Manor Lords on Pro Game Guides.