
How to get glimmersuit -fast boots in Fisch -Dr. Crookspine Quest

In Fisch Update’s latest version 1.20.2, developers added a new item called Speed ​​Boots. Indicated by its name, the item allows users to run faster and cover large distances quite fast. To get this item, you must perform a small search offered by Dr. Crookspine. So, here’s a detailed guide on how to start the search and get the fast boots in Fisch!

How to Start Dr.Crookspine Quest in Fisch

As mentioned before, you need to start Dr. Crookspine’s search to get the Glimmerfin boots in Fisch. You can locate the NPC on the oil refinery at GPS (-1793, 130, -480). Here, go up to the top to find the Dr. Crookspin NPC with robotic hands in the right room. Interact with him, and he will ask you to collect three items to write the glimmerfin -fast boots for the game. I mentioned these items in the list below.

  • Boots
  • Rocket -fuel
  • Fast core

In addition to mentioning the parts, he will not give an idea of ​​getting the item, making it extremely difficult to get the item. But don’t worry. I know the right islands where you can get these objects by fishing.

Part name Place GPS
Boots Ocean Anywhere in the ocean territory
Rocket -fuel Mushgrove Swamp Island X: 2426, Y: 130, Z: -680
Fast core Sunny Island X: -932, y: 131, z: -1109

Just visit these places and start fishing like any other time to roll in the items. I recommend using the Aurora Totem and increase the luck of your server to quickly get the parts.

Once you have all parts, please return them to the oil refinery and hand over the parts to Dr. Crookspine, who will create the boots and give them a reward. Immediately you can find the item in your inventory. Simply equip it to walk faster and cover other areas quickly in the game.

For more on Fisch, check out a Fisch -Whale Migration Hunt -Mobby, Baits & Location or all Brick Rod titles and time requirements -Fisch

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