How to get Julius in Anime Reborn

Wizard King Julius is one of the most powerful units in Anime Reborn. He boasts incredible damage, great range, and a unique passive that reduces the SPA (seconds per attack) of all units in his range by 10%.
If you want to get your hands on this secret unit, there’s only one reliable way to do it: complete a specific stage in the Clover Kingdom stage. Here’s everything you need to know to unlock Sorcerer King Julius in Anime Reborn.
How to get Wizard King Julius in Anime Reborn
To get the Wizard King Julius unit in Anime Reborn, you must complete the Legendary Stages Act III in the Kingdom Clover plot To get started, go to the Game Area and enter the queue to select the Clover Kingdom as the map you want to play. Complete the Story actions of this map to unlock the Legendary Stages, then complete the two opening actions.
This will unlock the third act in the Legendary Stages, which has a 0.75% chance to give you the Wizard King Julius if you complete it. Since the chances are low and depend on elements of RNG (random chance), you may have to complete this stage many times to get the Wizard King Julius unit in Anime Reborn.
Tips for completing Act III in Clover Kingdom
- Bring your strongest Team: Make sure your team is optimized with high damage units and some strong support units to get the odds in your favor.
- Play with others: If you have trouble completing it independently, it’s not a bad idea to ask your friends to help you or ask other players for help.
- Upgrade your units: Many players tend to forget about upgrading their units, which is the key to winning these types of stages where you have to bring everything you have to the table.
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