How to get Overwatch 2 Season 10 Perks Bundle on PC, Xbox

Microsoft has launched a bonus Season 10 Perks Bundle for Overwatch 2 fans with an Xbox GamePass Ultimate bundle. Unfortunately, it's not necessarily clear how to redeem it, so if you're struggling, here's how to get the bundle.
Interestingly, the fan reaction to the announcement of the package turned sour some parts of social media, with comments along the lines of, “So I paid for these skins for basically nothing” and “I'm never buying a store skin ever again.” On the contrary, those who haven't bought them before are excited about the great deal (as you'd expect).
How to redeem the Overwatch 2 Season 10 Perks Bundle on PC and Xbox
Redeeming your code for the Season 10 Perks Pack will work differently depending on which platform you are on. Let's start with Xbox first.
This should be simple. Simply log in on your console and scroll down the left menu and click on Game Pass. Next, check the Perks Section of GamePass (it should be the second row from the top) and locate the package. Hit that Confirm button and launch the game and you should be good to go. (Remember, you'll need GamePass Ultimate, not the regular version.)
Related: 7 Best Overwatch 2 Skins
a computer

This is where things get difficult. Even though I have GamePass Ultimate on PC, I can only redeem my code through the Windows Store (after clicking the 'Overwatch 2' card in the image above in the Xbox app on PC), and doing so has no effect on my Overwatch. 2 cosmetics, even if I have my account linked to my Xbox account.
User reports indicate that you can access the content on a PC by logging into your Xbox account on a console, after which it will appear on a PC. Unfortunately for me, I'm Xbox-less, and therefore, skinless. If you have an Xbox or a friend with one though, it should be easy enough to sign up with an account there to get started.
How much are the Overwatch 2 Season 10 Perks Bundle skins?
If you're stuck on PC without these skins and wondering if they're worth it or just wondering how much you're saving by redeeming your bonus code, the Widowmaker Medusa and Junkerqueen Executioner skins run 1900 Overwatch Coins each (around $15 USD), while Kiriko's skin Visual Kei runs 1000 Overwatch Coins (about $10 USD). Not a bad deal at all for $40 worth of skins, since you're either subscribed to GamePass Ultimate anyway, or can probably take advantage of a $1 first month subscription.
Want more Overwatch 2 content? Watch Overwatch 2 add yet another currency in Season 10, and players are overwhelmed here. Professional Game Guides.