How to get Power Fruit, Life Fruit and Strong Fruit in Palworld

Skill glasses let you see stats, but these three fruits let you boost them with a little bite. Here's how to get the Power Fruit, Life Fruit and Strong Fruit in Palworld to increase your Friends' stats.
How to find Power Fruit, Life Fruit and Strong Fruit in Palworld
Unlike Skill Fruits, you won't find these on the many Skill Trees around the Palapagos Islands. If you want to find Power Fruit, Life Fruit and Stout Fruit in Palworld, you will have to defeat Bellanoir Libero and Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) in a Raid battle. These fruits increase the stats of a Buddy who eats them:
- Mighty Fruit – increases attack
- Life Fruit – increases health
- Strong Fruit – increases defense
To start a Raid, you will first need to gather Bellanoir Libero Slab fragments. These can be found in dungeons above level 40. The shards are always in the last two chests that you unlock by defeating the Boss Pal of the dungeon. In my experience, the fragments of Libero Slab will appear more in the level 45 dungeons of the Astral Mountains area, so go there to collect them.
Related: Full Palworld Map – All regions, locations and points of interest
When it comes to the Bellanoir Libero Ultra Slab, you can only get it after defeating the Bellanoir Libero. That way, you'll kill two birds with one stone, getting one of the fruits and getting a Slab for the next battle.
To summon any of these Friends, you will first need to create a Invocation Altar of 100 Wood and 20 Paldio Shards. Be sure to put it on yours secondary basis because Bellanoir will absolutely destroy everything. I made the mistake of not removing a chest full of ore the first time and ended up walking right through everything. Because it weighed and slowed me down, I couldn't dodge and was vulnerable to all attacks.
Bellanoir Libero and Bellanoir Libero Ultra have 450k and 900k health, respectively, so they will be hard to beat. I suggest having as many buddies as you can level 45+. To speed up their leveling, you can give your Training Manuals, which you also find in caves.
When it comes to your character, bring the strongest weapon you have. I propose a Rocket Launcher and lots of Rockets. Since you only have ten minutes to defeat the Pal, dealing a lot of damage and trying to stay alive can be very difficult. if you can to have a group join you for this raid, it would make your life easier.
Try to aim for Bellanoir's head to do the most damage. It turn upside down a lot, so be sure to keep track. It will also teleport a short distance a few times, so don't let that surprise you. Once Bellanoir's health reaches zero, it will go into the second phase where it freezes you and heals itself. This is very annoying when you think it's done, but you'll just have to give it one last push.
In defeat, these Friends will really drop some great rewards, the Power Fruit, Life Fruit, and Stout Fruit being among them. However, remember that you will usually only get one, maybe two, after a battle. If you want to get a lot of these, you'll have to grind the battles a lot.
To get the best Pals, you should check the All Palworld Breeding Combos Chart on Pro Game Guides.