
How to get the Glutton Gun in Dust Journey

The Glutton Ray Gun is a rare and powerful weapon in A Dusty Trip. It can deal massive damage to enemies and help you easily deal with multiple enemies at once. If you want to get your hands on it, you need to complete a quest to collect Power Cells, and this guide will help with that.

How do you get the Glutton Gun in A Dusty Trip?

Image by Pro Game Guides

To get the Glutton Ray Gun in A Dusty Trip, you must talk to the Cool Colt NPC standing in the lobby. Cold Colt stands on the right side of the garage. After spotting him, talk to him. After you talk to him, he will ask you to bring him 10 Power Cells to get the Glutton Ray Gun.

How to get 10 Power Cells

Power Cells are randomly dropped inside the buildings as you progress through your journey. Once you find them, keep them in your bag, but you can only carry up to seven of them like this. So first, fill your bag with seven Power Cells and then start carrying them in your hands. Once you’re all filled, go back and put them in your storage.

Now make another run to get the rest of the beaters, and when you have 10, talk to Cold Colt to get the Glutton Ray Gun. One thing to note is that the gun is not a permanent weaponso you must have one free spot in your storage, otherwise you won’t get the gun. This could be a bug, so the developers could address it later, but for now, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What is the Glutton Gun and should you get it in A Dusty Trip?

The Glutton Gun is a high damage weapon that can charge as you rack up more kills to exhaust one powerful attack. If you have other guns like the mini gun, it might not be worth grinding for this one since it’s not even permanent, but if you want to try and see how cool it is, get it.

For more A Dusty Trip guides, check out A Dusty Trip Codes – Are there any? here in Pro Game Guides.

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