How to get the Majestic Cruiser (Limousine) in Dusty Journey – Roblox

In the 3.3 Update, the developers introduced a new car called Majestic Cruise. Unlike most vehicles, you can get this vehicle by completing a small quest in the game. So, if you don’t know what this quest is or how to complete it in the game, read the following guide until the end.
How to get the Limousine in Roblox A Dusty Trip
To answer the burning question, you can get the Majestic Cruise or the Limousine car in A Dusty Trip by eliminating all the enemies in the Castle Area. If you don’t know what 1B Celebration Castle is, it’s a newly added landmark after the 10,000M mark in the game. To be precise, you can find the Castle at 14,000M on the Desert map So, talk to Agent Adams in the center of the lobby to start the mission and travel directly to the prescribed mark to locate a large castle.
Here, you will find almost 15 to 20 enemies all around the castle area. They are mostly a mix of Pinata Mutant, Confetti Bomb Mutant, Firework Mutant, and the Regular Mutant. You can fight all these enemies using the following strategy.
- Confetti Bomb Mutant: The confetti bomb mutant holds a bomb on his head, and you must either avoid this bomb or kill the Mutant before it throws to take down. You can use something like a shotgun or minigun to take the creature down.
- Pinata Mutant: The pinata mutant is pretty easy to counter. Simply shoot with something like a pistol to blow up the enemy. Remember, when the enemy explodes, it will deal some damage. So, don’t stand near the enemy and shoot the Mutant from long range yourself.
- Fireworks mutant: Shooting a Firework Mutant will cause it to fly in a random direction before exploding. So, as the Pinata Mutant, shoot the enemy from a distance using any guns to avoid being harmed by the enemy.
After you destroy all of these enemies, you will clear the Castle and receive a server-wide message from Agent Adams saying that the Castle has been successfully cleared. Now, return to the lobby, and you’ll find the Majestic Cruiser in your garage.
For more on Roblox, check out All Boss Types in Dust Journey and How to Defeat Them or How to get the Juno Car in Dust Journey – All Tablet locations in Pro Game Guides.