
How to get the megalodon shovel in digging it – Roblox

In Valentine’s recent update, the developers added a new shovel called Megalodon to the basic game. It is one of the best shovels in the game now and exceeds the solar shovel in all state parameters. So, if you wonder how to get the megaloda shovel or want to know its statistics, here’s a detailed guide.

Megalodon shovel unlocking guide – dig it

The megalodic shovel only is available to collect while the Rainfall event in digging it. This is a new event added during the same valentine update, which allows users to access a whole set of items and collections very similar to the lunar cloud. How do you generate the rainy event? Well, like any other event in Dig It, the heavy rain generates accidentally with a striking rarity around 17%. So, you just have to wait patiently until the event appears on the server. Alternatively, you can also pay 99 Robux To the Gandolf NPC on Nookville Island to immediately create the event on the server.

Regardless of the method you choose after the event appears on the server, direct yourself to the middle of the ocean, just between Nookville and Piratesburg, to find a large blue radio. Climb this radio to find NPC called Finn and the Megaloda shovel on the edge of the wings. Pay 90,000 in money, and the shovel is yours. Remember, you need to be up Level 100+ get the item.

Megalodon -shovel and showcase

Instead of just listing the megalodic shovel, I also provided the statistics of the solar shovel for comparison and to show how powerful the megalodic shovel is in the game.

Screenshot of for game guides
Values Megalodon shovel Solar Shovel Statistics
Force 90 80
Stamina loss 10% 10%
Loot luck 50% 45%
Control 80% 75%
Stability 80% 75%
Accuracy 80% 75%
Maximum weight 80000KG 50000kg

To finish, the Megalodon Shovel is simply the best in the game, and you definitely have to put your hands on it if you want a complete collection, including the newly added exotic types of items.

To dig out more, check all 13 secret items in Dig It (Fame Potion) – Roblox or Official Dig It Trello Link & Discord – Roblox

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