How to get the Transmute Specialization in WoW SoD Phase 3 (Map)

In Phase 3 of WoW SoD, the Transmute Specialization was added along with the Alchemy Specialization. This means that transmuting an item has a chance to get you extras from those items.
Xmute Spec location in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3
The Transmute Specialization quest is located in the same place as the Alchemy Specialization quest in WoW SoD: Taranis. You will need to go to Stormwheedle Port, and look for some new NPCs in the town. You can find Mixmaster Blix and Crimean Leblade right next to each other right around 67.22. While Blix has the quest to obtain the Alchemical Kind, Crimean Leblade has the quest to get you Xmute Spec. He will ask you three Arcanite Barriers against the spec, but you'll need to be at least Alchemy level 250.
Related: How to get the Phase 3 epic crafting patterns in WoW SoD (Map)
How to get Arcanite Barriers in WoW SoD

Most likely to buy Arcanite Barriers from the Auction House, but you can also get the items yourself if you want to go through the trouble and save yourself some gold. Arcanite Bars is a recipe that requires Alchemy level 275 and a Philosopher's Stone. You can learn from the recipe Alchemist Pestlezugg in Gadgetzan (51,27), and it requires an Arcane Crystal and a Thorium Bar to make one Arcanite Bar, and the cooldown to make one is about 2 days.
Can you get Xmute Spec and Alch Spec at the same time in WoW SoD Phase 3?
if you want and the Xmute and Alchemy Specs at the same time, you can get them; you will need to add 10 Elixirs of Demon Slaying, 10 Potions of Invisibility and five Elixirs of Sages to your shopping list to get Alch Spec on the Transmute Spec.
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