
How to get Toji dropped sword in a verse piece

Verse piece, one -piece manga adaptation, is a fun adventure RPG inspired by a second piece and witchcraft. The game allows you to explore different worlds, fight bosses and collect weapons. This is how you can get the powerful Toji -released sword, which has been added in the recent verses update.

How to get the Toji lowered sword in a verse piece

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You can get the Toji -us -made sword of the NPC close to the Jujutsu island Entry (lvl. 3,000-5,000). To get this power weapon, you will first have to collect the following items:

  • 10,000 gems
  • 1 Heavenly spear
  • 1 Split Soul Katana
  • 1 curse worm
  • Toji sword
  • Thrutseeker -race race
  • Rejected Zenin’s feature

Assuming you played the game long enough, you have to know how to get gems, ie, leveling and completing searches. This was said, below I described how you can get the remaining items required to write Toji V2’s sword in a verse piece.

Heavenly spear

Versa piece of heavenly spear
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Heavenly spear can be obtained by boxes But since it’s a legendary item, you may have to open a few before you stumble on one. Alternatively, it can be obtained by defeating the toji -leader at Boss Island.

Separated soul katana

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The separated soul katana needs to be created at the Blacksmith Isle And you will need the following items to do so:

  • 100 iron: Lost the band leader many times on the initial island (Lvl. 1-100).
  • 75 black iron: Dropped by the head of a snow bandit located on the Snow Island (Lvl. 300-600).
  • 1 handle (split soul katana): You must beat the Maki Leader to get this blade part.
  • 1 blade (Split Soul Katana): Another fall of the boss Maki.

A curse worm

Versa piece Toji Boss Spawner
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Now, go to the mysterious island (indicated by three question marks) in the fast travel menu. Interact with the NPC there and Call the Toji -unleashed Boss spending 5,000 gems and 3 leaders. Lost the enemy and he will drop the cursed worm that is needed to write Toji’s sword.

Toji sword

You also need to own the standard Toji sword, which can be obtained by the following method:

  • 2,500 gems
  • 1 Heavenly spear: Can be obtained from chests or defeating the Toji manager at Boss Island.
  • Heavenly Limiting feature: Get this by reopening features at Frost Town.
  • Talk to the Toji npc at Desert island and deliver these items to get the sword of Toji (Lvl. 600-1.500)

Race and feature

Verse piece -character race and feature spec
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The next step is to get the required race and feature I showed in the image above. For the rejected Zenin race, visit the Frosty town and interact with the Treatments rerun NPC. Each reroll costs 25,000 gems and assigns you a random feature. You have to do this until you got a suspended Zenin. Similarly, you can get the race Truthseeker by using a race -Reroll -tokens, available from breasts or the adventure store.

After you have fulfilled the requirements and collected all the aforementioned items, direct yourself to the NPC of Toji Unleashed Teacher at Jujutsu Island and deliver these items to get the Toji -unpublished sword.

Toji lowered sword -attack moves and damage

Here is a list of all the Toji -ustened sword attack keyboards and how much damage they treat to the enemy:

  • Z: Briefly perform a chain of sword attacks around your character (33.500).
  • X: Complete multiple sword attacks followed by a fast hyphen (33.500.
  • C: Deliver a series of pre -face sword attacks in front of you (34,300)
  • V: A powerful attack around your character who deals with the most damage (41.900)

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