
How to insert Cha Hae in a sword in a verse piece

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Cha Hae in the sword is one of the more powerful swords in a verse piece, but getting it is not easy, because you need to get a few things. To help you with this, this guide will teach you how to get the Cha Hae in a sword in a verse piece.

How to get the Cha Hae in a sword in a verse piece

Versa piece Cha Haein Sword Quest
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To get the Cha Hae in a sword, you need to find the Cha Hae in NPC on Dungeon Cave Island, which is located near the initial island, so you can easily find it. When there, Cha Hae will stand on a small hill. Talk to her and she’ll ask you to get her X1 sword of light -recipe, x5 light ore, x100 -iron, 50 wood and 7,500 gold, which will give you the sword.

Wood and money are easy to get by completing any searches, but the rest of the items are difficult, so that’s how it can get them.

How to get a sword of light recipe

First we have the recipe for a sword of light, which is dropped by the fallen angel leader. This boss gives birth to every 5 minutes with a 30% possibility on the same island, where Cha Hae is. After he gives birth, he overcomes him, and it is the possibility that he will drop a light recipe sword.

How to get light ore and iron

Versa piece Ore Cave on Dungeon Island
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Once you get the recipe of a sword of light, you can move on to collect the ores. All of these ores are collected from their respective mine layers in the cave on the same island you are in. When there, get Pickaxe from the NPC standing at the entrance of the cave. He will ask you to kill the NPCs within the caves, and do so will complete his search and get you the pixel.

After you have the pixax, go into the cave and minute the mines to get the ores. There will be NPCs guarding some ores, so overcome them and continue mining the ores you need. Now that you have all the needed ores, go back to Cha Hae and talk to her to get Cha Hae in a sword.

For more verses of verse piece, check out a verse piece Trello and Discord links -Roblox here in Pro -Game Guides.

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