How to Kill Pests in Abiotic Factor

So you’ve secured a supply of clean water and you’re growing your own food in Abiotic Factor. Now it’s time to turn your attention to the monsters roaming around. If you’re having trouble killing pests without taking too much damage yourself, keep reading for loadouts, tactics, and perks.
Best way to Kill Pests in Abiotic Factor
Pests are the most numerous enemy in the early game. Although weak and unarmored, their unconventional jump attack and sheer numbers can pose a threat to the unwary. Never fear, there are a number of tactics and weapon loadouts you can use to dispatch them with ease.
Stand still and Stomp
Ahh yes, the old ways are the best. This is the least resource hungry and easiest tactic to implement. Make yourself a Throwing Net from some scrap of cloth, approach the Plague and, when within range, throw the net over it. This will instantly lock on the monster allowing you to get close enough to stomp (default E). It should only take one or two hits to finish it off.
Kill from Range

The improvised crossbow recipe becomes available after you have picked up a rubber ball. You will need to take the rubber ball, desk leg, stapler and some scrap plastic to an electrical craft bench. To make bolts you will need as many feathers and pieces of scrap metal as you can find.
Once unlocked and loaded, attacking pests from range becomes a viable option. Remember: your accuracy will be terrible in the early game, so make sure you take plenty of ammo. To make it easier, try to sneak up on the pests when they are not moving. Get your shot off before they spot you and move on to the next one.
Shield Wall

For those players who prefer to go toe-to-toe (or toe-to-spikehead) with enemies, equip a coffee tray shield and any one-handed melee weapon you can get your hands on. Sniping is your friend here; step aside as soon as they jump to jump at you and let them fly past. Now close range and hit them while they heal. Try to pick somewhere narrow to fight them, that way you can chase them down before they jump again. If you’re not quick enough to get out of the way, you can always raise your shield with the right mouse button to negate the damage.
Empty Gun

The recipe for the vacuum should become available after you’ve killed and picked up a piece of raw carbuncle. Combine the raw carbuncle, energy brick, metal pipe and pressure at a power crafting bench.
Once built, the vacuum can suck up any pests that wander nearby. Once loaded into the gun you can launch them as live bullets into the nearest wall. Alternatively feel free to blast them into other pests to explode in a shower of goop. This is especially useful during portal attacks on your base, where a whole wave of pests can be wiped out easily.
Pest Trap

Instead of killing pests you can always use a tray of nachos and some basic office supplies to make a pest trap. Once you’ve caught one, you can tame it by feeding it. This will allow you to give the tamed pest its own name.
Or, after you’ve secured power cells from Flathill by going through the hole on level 3, you’ll get the option to build a plague wheel. Catching a pest with this allows it to generate power for you when the lights go out at night.
If you need more help getting past the Abiotic Factor office sector, check out How to unlock the keyboard hacker right here on Pro Game Guides.