How to make Venom and Poison Arrows in Soulmask

Fighting in an action survival game Soulmask can be tough, so you’ll want any advantage you can get. Using your bow to fight at a distance is great, but read on to find out how to make poison and poison arrows in Soulmask.
What you need to make Venom and Poison Arrows in Soulmask
There are several stages required to make and use Poison Arrows. First, you’ll need a bow and some basic arrows. Next, you’ll need some poisonwhich you will have to transform into Purified Poison. Then, finally, you can add the poison to the arrows to make poison arrows.
To make a bow, go into the Knowledge menu (Press T, see above), select Primitive Weaponsand learn Wooden Bow (you can also learn the Arrows recipe here). Now, press Escape to enter the menu to craft your first bow and arrows.
To make them, you will need:
- A bow: 5 Branches and 2 Thick Ropes (made of Vines)
- Arrow (x5): 5 Branches
Branches can be collected from the ground or trees. You will get grapes by using a scythe to cut grass. you can add poison to any arrow.
How to make Venom in Soulmask

The easiest way to make Venom is to collect it from Venomous Insects. Poisonous Bugs are an uncommon drop from using your scythe on some grass, so you’ll find them during the process of gathering from grass (See above).
Once you have some Venomous Insects, you will have to extract the Poison of them. This involves taking the following skills:
- grinder (Campfire skill, under Basic Grinding)
- A carpenter’s table (Fireskill, under Basic Carpentry)
- Poison Processing (Campfire skill, under Basic Grinding)

Next, you will need to create the following items:
- 5 Boards (Each Board requires 1 Table and must be made with the Carpenter’s Table)
- grinder (Building, requires 10 Stones and 5 Boards)
Place the Grinder in your cabin near your Fire (this will protect it from degradation) and press E to use it. As long as you have at least 2 Poison Bugs, you can now make some Poison. Using 2 Poison Insects does 1 Poison.
How to make Poison Arrows in Soulmask

There are two stages left to complete. Go back to the Manual making section of the crafting menu (you don’t need the Grinder for this stage), where you can find the recipe for Purified Poison. This requires 1 Poison and 1 additional Material (or Carrion or a Poisonous Mushroom). Carrion is fairly easy to obtain as it can be harvested from turkeyswhich are often found around the starting areas of the game.

Now that you have Purified Poison, simply drag it onto an arrow in your inventory to create a Poison Arrow. Notice that 1 Purified Poison makes 1 Poison Arrowso use it wisely!
For more on Soulmask here on Pro Gaming Guides, check out our Soulmask Dedicated Server Setup Guide, Which starting Mask should you choose in Soulmask? and more!