How to make your car go faster in Dusty Journey – Roblox

If you're constantly dying before reaching your next safe house in Dust Journey, you're driving too slowly. So, here's a quick guide to making your car go faster in A Dusty Trip, allowing you to continue your adventure permanently.
How to make your car go faster in A Dusty Trip
Changing your engine is the best way to speed up your car in A Dusty Trip. Below, I have mentioned the various types of Engines and how they affect your Speed.
All Engines in Dust Trip
- Starter motor: This is the starting engine of the game. It is just helpful to start your journey and can reach up to 80 Km/h speeds. You can find the engine in the starting building.
- Diesel engine: The Diesel engine is a great alternative to the starter motor. You can find a diesel engine inside any random loot building or safe house, from 1000M to 5000 m. Using the Engine, you can cover 100 Km/h, enabling you to cover critical distances during the initial stages.

- V8 engine: The V8 is the fastest engine in the game. It consumes much less fuel and travels above the 150 mark. The only downside is that it can be difficult to find, as the spawn rarity could be higher. Feel free to equip the engine if you immediately find it for something else.

- Golden Engine: The gold engine is premium available from the resupply chest for 50 Robux coins. Like the V8, this engine is quite fast, but its outstanding feature is that it does not require oil and only uses fuel.
Related: How to separate mixed liquid fuels in A Dusty Trip – Roblox
Other ways to make your car go faster in A Dusty Trip
In addition to swapping motors, you can use the following tips to increase your Speed in Dust Travel.
- As in real life, carrying less stuff helps your car move faster. So, bring only essential items on the vehicle like jerseys, water and food.
- Please stop damaging your car by hitting objects or running through zombies. A damaged car will move much slower. So, heal your car using the sponge or get a new vehicle if possible.
- Try to drive in a straight line on a highway to increase your Speed. Only slow down if you find safe hours or researchable items nearby.
For more on Roblox, check out A Dusty Trip Discord, Trello and Social Media or Dusty Travel Survival Guide – How to Keep Driving in Professional Game Guides.
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