
How to melt and ancient key in Dig It – Roblox

One of the essential items needed to reach the deeper parts of the island of Volkanyo in Dig is to use the keys. These keys act as tickets so you get deeper parts like Devil’s Pit and on. So, if you don’t know how to get the melted or ancient key, here’s a quick guide.

How to get the melted key in digging it

The melted key is a ditch item in digging it, which means you can get this item only by digging around the lower central parts of the Volcanyo -sulas, especially just before the lift’s entry that takes you down to the bottom . If you cannot understand the area I refer to please check the image above and use the Go Neon -symbol for reference. Here, you need to dig for the melted key as any other item in the game, using your best shovel. I recommend using the solar shovel or megalodon shovel to make the process much faster. Once you get it, you can use it to get the devil’s ditch through the elevator.

How to get the ancient key in digging it

For the ancient key, you need to dig close to the left side of the devil’s ditch after crossing the bridge, where you can find the ancient shovel in the game. You can only cross this after using the fire resistance, which can be done after completing the search offered by the Brewton NPC on the corner of the devil’s ditch. To finish his search, you need to offer him x1 pip, x1 wash flower, x1 crystal, x1 wash slime & x1 wash bucket. After giving the ingredients, he will quickly make a potion that will provide fire resistance for 30 minutes after consumption. Now, cross the bridge and dig on the other end to get the ancient key in digging it. I suggest using the right solar or megalodic shovel and dig close to the various NPCs around the ancient purchase area. After you get the ancient key, you can use it to open the ancient attempts within Volcanyo.

To dig out more about digging it, check out the official Dig It Trello Link & Discord – Roblox or all 13 secret items in Dig It (Fame Potion) – Roblox

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