How to play Support in Star Wars Hunters

Supports are my favorite class in any game and it’s no different in this one. If you’re like me and want to learn how to get good at these characters, check out how to play Support in Star Wars Hunters below.
Top tips for playing Support in Star Wars Hunters
Star Wars Hunters has a collection of very good Support characters. However, they all work best in different situations. When deciding which support character to play, you need to look at your team composition, as well as the game mode and map you will be playing on.
When playing Support, the most important thing is to keep an eye on your teammates while dodging enemy attacks. You will be targeted, which is common in shooting games like this.
How to play Zaina in Star Wars Hunters

Zaina is the first Support you’ll unlock, and she can be a little hard to master. Her main tool is the Bacta Bomb, which she throws straight down to the ground and heals everyone in range. Remember that the effects are immediatelyso you have to be right next to your teammates if you want them to heal.
Stick close to a tank, because they will usually take most of the damage. I especially like to play with a Sentinel when I’m Zaina because of his Shield. You can also heal his Stormtroopers, making sure they do a lot of damage before the Ult ends.
Don’t forget to watch out for any of your Damage Hunters that are nearby and could be in danger. I wouldn’t run too much around the map with her because she doesn’t have that high mobility. However implement her avoid rolls if you are left alone with an enemy. It will reduce the heat of your weapon instantly.
How to play Skora in Star Wars Hunters

Compared to Zaina, who has to stay close to her teammates, Skora can keep her distance as long as you don’t have problems hitting targets (which I unfortunately often do). Her dart gun
Find a good one point of view, preferably high ground, and shoot both your teammates and enemies to either heal or damage them. You can also join Hunters as Imara Vex and Diago, as they are both better at the edges outside of combat. This way you can keep them healed while they try to take out their enemies.
A great thing about Skora is that she has a lot high mobility because of her Adrenal Acceleration. You can easily run to any teammate who needs help, especially since her passive is a self healing ability when she is out of combat.
How to play Sprocket in Star Wars Hunters

Sprocket is the third Support Hunter you can unlock in the game. If you prefer a unit that can do both heyl and deal with enough damagethen he is perfect for you.
Sprocket is the middle ground between Zaina and Skora in terms of gameplay. He is not as attached to his teammates as Zaina is, but he lacks Skora’s high mobility (due to her self-healing). His healing droid will heal him, but it stays in one place while it does. This ability is good in modes where teammates group together and can be easily healed.
Offense is sometimes the best defense, and that’s the case with Sprocket’s Ult. He can summon a turret that will target enemies in his sight. If you receive outnumbereddrop the turret and then run away to find help.
If you want to check out the rest of the options in the game, you can read our list of Star Wars Hunters characters – All hunters, ranked