How to Profitably Run a BitLife Casino (Expansion Pack)

Apart from starting any business or investing in shares, the easiest way to quickly increase your wealth in BitLife is to run a Casino. Although it may look simple on the outside, there are several factors, such as the installation of games, rules and entertainment amenities, that I had to look at in order to make my first million. So, if you are just about to buy your first Casino in the game, I suggest you check out the following tips and tricks that I have carefully curated after playing for hours!
How to open a Casino in BitLife
Running a Casino is a premium feature in BitLife and requires you to purchase the Casino Expansion from the game store for $5 (price varies depending on your location). Once you have the casino, the next step is to have a decent amount of money to start your business. For this, I suggest starting your life as a royal or pursuing a career as a doctor, athlete or musician to accumulate a lot of money fairly quickly. Anywhere around $500 to $2 Million would be enough when starting out.
Once you have the prescribed amount of money, go to the Superior Activities section and select the Casino option Depending on your budget, select a location from the list of available locations and open your Casino. TA-DA! You are now a proud owner of a BitLife Casino.
5 Tips and Tricks for Running a BitLife Casino
House Win Rate Rules

The most crucial factor that you should carefully consider when running a Casino is the House Win Rate ratings for your games. Keeping it too high will prevent the players from losing interest in your games, while keeping it too low will result in a massive loss for your outlet. So what is the sweet spot? Well, from my hours of experimenting, I found that anywhere from 55% to 70% is the best range to maintain win rate for any of your gaming rooms. So, try to keep any value within this range and adjust it according to its annual payment/contribution.
Variety of Game Rooms

Similar to real life, you need to maintain different types of game rooms in your BitLife Casino to attract many players. The main reason for this is that people often leave comments saying that they are bored with the current games and need some variety in the annual review. So, every year, try to add at least one Game Room to your current available selection of games, and also get rid of any old/unpopular attraction that doesn’t bring any profit. You can click on a particular attraction to view it popularity, last year’s paymentand current house rate of return decide whether to keep the attraction or remove it!
Various Luxury Amenities and Entertainment

The most common assumption that many new players make is that they think that the Gamrooms provide the most revenue in your Casino. But it is absolutely wrong, and in fact, if you look at your annual reports, almost 30% of your net income would have resulted from your Amenities. So, read the annual Casino reviews and see what most players want in your Casino in terms of amenities. Depending on that, try to build luxury amenities for your Casino to make them stay and spend more money. During my run, I installed night clubs, barsand even Wedding Chapel based on the annual feedback. Do not exaggerate your Pleasantries; instead, scale incrementally depending on the overall growth of your Casino.

Along with expanding physical amenities, it is also recommended to book celebrities for shows on a contract basis to bring in entertainment revenue that will contribute an additional 30 to 40% of your total gross revenue. So, splurge a little and try to sign the best possible artist available at the time and retain them if they bring a lot of profit by checking their contract.
Hosting Big Tournaments

Hosting Tournaments with huge prizes is another great way to attract dozens of new valuable customers to your Casino. Don’t immediately do tournaments worth millions of dollars, because it will only result in your loss. Instead, host a few small ones to bring in a few people and then host a big tournament as your Casino Income progresses. The most crucial factor when running a contest is keeping the entry fee around 10% to 20% of the total prize pool. For example, if I drive a $25,000 tournament, I usually keep my entry fees around the $2500 to $5000 brand to attract high-risk players.
Encouraging Gamblers

As the owner of your Casino, you need to encourage the existing gamblers to play more. For this, click on some particular gamblers visiting your Casino and use the Gambling option under them. Now choose a game and encourage them to play more by providing a free game, food, massage or giving them a dare. Most of the players will take the bait and play more, resulting in considerable income. So, once in a while, be sure to take some time and encourage all gamblers with the High Rollers label one by one to gamble more.

If you follow all the above tips and tricks, I’m pretty sure you’ll make a lot of money pretty quickly with Casino and make generational wealth.
For more on BitLife, check out How to gamble on Bitlife or How to gamble away a lot of money on Bitlife on Pro Gaming Guides.