
How to reload Masks in Soulmask (Sunstones)

As the game’s title suggests, Masks are an important part of the action-survival game Soulmask. But when your mask runs out and needs recharging, read on to find out how.

How to use Sunstones to recharge Masks in Soulmask

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Using the ability of a mask, such as Life Perception, uses up some of his energy. Unlike other elements of your character, such as Health and Stamina, Mask Energy it is necessary to recharge with an energy source which, in this case, is a Sunstone. Unfortunately, these cannot be created. Instead, you have to go out and look for them.

If you have a Sunstone, all you need to do is right click on the Sunstone in your inventory to recharge your Mask. A single charge of Sunstone will fully recharge a mask, so make sure it’s fully depleted before using a charge. They’re pretty hard to find early in the game, so it’s best to use your charges wisely.

How to find Sunstones in Soulmask (map)

Map to an ancient ruin in Soulmask
Image by Pro Game Guides

Sunstones are found in Ruins, which you can find marked on your map (see above). Ruins always are guarded by either animals or humanoids who will attack you if you get too close to the Ruin they occupy. Once you’ve defeated the defenders, you’ll either find a storage box (for humanoids) or an Ancient Relic (for animals).

Open this, and you’ll find a variety of cool items, including one or more Sunstones. Each Sunstone is a disposable itembut they pile up.

For more on Soulmask here on Pro Game Guides, check out How to make Venom and Poison Arrows in Soulmask and How to get Bonfire in Soulmask!

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