How to roll below features in Anime Vanguards (Mandra NPC location)

In Anime Vanguards, units are characters that you can deploy to fight enemies and earn money. These units have certain stats (such as damage and range) and traits (modifiers for these stats) assigned to them that can be reassigned by enrollment. Below Features are also planned for the game and here is how to run them.
How to roll Subtraits in Anime Vanguards
The game’s developer, Kitawari, shared a video a while back showing off the Sub Traits feature in Anime Vanguards (see image above). However, it is still a concept and has not been released yet. Once Sub Traits are available in Anime Vanguards, you can get them by simply rerolling Traits at Mandra (discussed below), although, the chance of getting these bonuses will be low.

At first, it seemed as if Under Features were just Features added on top of the assigned ones. However, the developer recently shared on the Anime Vanguards Discord server that, “Below Traits have been rewritten so that they are not just a second Trait.“They also mentioned that this feature is to be implemented with a new mode later, so we will have to wait a little longer.
Where to find Mandra NPC in Anime Vanguards – Reroll Traits
Once you appear in the main lobby, go to the Develop Room (first image above) where you can use evolution to modify and strengthen your characters. Just outside this room, you’ll find the Mandra NPC. Interact with this character by pressing E and you will then be able to view the Trait Index and reroll Traits for your units.

You will need a Trait Reroll token for each roll and assign your unit a new Trait, replacing the last one. These Trait Reroll tokens can be purchased for Robux from the left section of the screen. You can also get them for free through achievements and level milestones. Select the unit of your choice and reroll to give them a random Trait and Subtrait as well, if you’re lucky.
For more Roblox, check out All the sticks in Fisch and how to get them – Roblox (The Archeology Hunt) in Pro Game Guides.