
How to solve Glyph puzzles in Destiny 2 The Final Form

Glyph puzzles appear a few times during The Final Form’s campaign, and much like the breadcrumb puzzle, are not explained very clearly. Don’t worry though, we’ll go over the basics here so you can handle whatever pops up on your trip.

Glyph puzzles are nice and simple, but they can have some variations and they can be partially random, so unfortunately there can’t be one solution for all Glyph puzzles.

How to do Glyph Puzzles in The Final Form

When you spot a door blocked by a glyph, in the vicinity will be one of those weird barrier generators (which you’ve seen a lot to get to this point). Shooting one will give you the “Glyphtuite” buff, and this allows you see glyphs. Glyphs will drop from certain enemies, for example in one mission they spawn from those big ol’ Fallen Shanks, as seen below.

  • Glyph bearer spawn location in Destiny 2.
  • Glyph Bearer in Destiny 2.
  • Glyph in Destiny 2.

After killing one of these carrying enemies, the Glyph will appear as a floating icon over where they died. So far there appear to be four possible glyphs. These are:

  • The Witness
  • The Pyramid
  • Ghost
  • Triangle

After killing the bearer enemy, four auras with four icons above them will appear near the blocked door. All you have to do is enter the one that matches the one dropped by the carrying enemy you killed. In certain situations, you will have multiple glyphs to go through, and in these situations it is important to note the order of glyphs you see how you kill enemies. It doesn’t matter which enemy you kill first, but you have to remember the order in which the glyphs fell.

That’s all you need to know to solve any Glyph puzzle that might come your way. If you enjoyed this guide and are looking for more Destiny 2 content from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our breakdown of all the upcoming ones. Exotic Class Item Perks, or helpful on how to deal with the new Prismatic enemy type.

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