How to unlock all new achievements in Vampire Survivors: Darkasso
Vampire Survivors added nine new achievements in its 1.11 Darkasso update. To 100% complete this free DLC, you’ll want to know what all the trophies are (since most are hidden), and what you need to do to complete them.
All new trophies and achievements in Vampire Survivors update 1.11 Darkasso
There are nine new achievements added to Vampire Survivors in Darkasso. The vast majority of these nine are hidden, so you may be wondering what you need to do to complete them all. This guide contains all their names and explanations for each.
IN ADDITION: Room 1665
In the main menu, there is a button for Secrets at the bottom left; if it’s not there, you have to unlock it by winning Morbane’s Forbidden Scrolls. You can type forbidden box into the secret menu and access the new area. Once there, you must survive to the last room to get this achievement.
EXTRA: Darkasso & EXTRA: VI – Moonlight Bolero
To get both the Darkasso achievement and the Moonlight Bolero achievement, you will need to reach the end of the final part of Room 1665. This will unlock the ability to get Darkanas and give you the first Darkana at the same time, completing both. these trophies.
PLUS: Retired Poe Ratcho
Garlic Paradise is a new adventure added in 1.11; you must complete it to get this achievement.
PLUS: Blind Imelda Belpaese
Much like the achievement above, this one requires you to complete the new adventure. This is called World of Light and Darkness.
PLUS: I – Sapphire Mist
To get this trophy, you need to run with Space Dude and get a cooldown bonus of -85%. The best way to achieve this is to get the Silent Old Shrine (-8% cooldown for empty weapon slots) and go into Space 54. Take the path straight down and pick up the Void Tome books along the way. Make sure you don’t pick up any weapons, or be sure to dispose of your weapons if you end up with one. Once you have -85%, finish your run before you accidentally pick up a weapon.
EXTRA: X – Greetings from the Future
To get this trophy, you need to trigger Weird Souls Purifier with Santa Ladonna. Choose Santa Ladonna, enter a level, then evolve the Santa Javelin. Take damage until you activate its passive ability (or pick up a rosary), and this will complete this feat.
EXTRA: XII – Crystal Screams
Unlocking this one is the same as unlocking Hail From the Future except you have to trigger Starry Heavens with She-Moon Eeta. You can trigger it by evolving the weapon and taking a bunch of damage or by taking an orology.
EXTRA: XXI – Wandering the Jet Black
Wandering the Jet Black is finished by getting 665 max health with Bat Robbert. If you grab Divine Bloodline, Hollow Heart, and keep upgrading your life, you’ll get this one pretty quickly.
For more Vampire Survivors, check out How to Unlock Santa Ladonna in Vampire Survivors at Pro Game Guides.