How to unlock Lighthouse Keeper ID Card Badge in Phasmophobia

The Point Hope lighthouse map in Phasmophobia brings many new scary secrets and challenges for ghost hunters to discover, as well as some worthwhile rewards. One of them is the Lighthouse Keeper ID Card Badge, and if you’re wondering how to add it to your collection, here’s our handy guide on how to unlock it in Phasmophobia.
How to get the Lighthouse Keeper ID Card Badge in Phasmophobia
The Point Hope map in Phasmophobia is the latest addition to the list, and to unlock it you simply need reach Level 17 for the first time. The map can be played on any of the available difficulties and features the most dynamic layout in Phasmophobia to date, with 12 rooms stacked more than 10 cylindrical floors. Plus, it’s filled with all kinds of interactive easter eggs (see our guide to the Ferryman of the Drowned puzzle) and rewards.
The Lighthouse Keeper ID Card badge is one of those rewards, and to get it you have to complete hunts and guess the correct ghost 50 times on the Point Hope map. Additionally, it must be done by a Reward Multiplier higher than 0x. This still means you can do it on Amateur difficulty, or any difficulty higher than that if you wish, so there’s a lot of flexibility, unlike some other challenges.
If you want to embark on this challenge, be aware that unfortunately there is no Steam achievement tracker that keeps track of your correct guesses, so you’ll have to record that tally yourself somehow.
Once you’ve gotten your 50 correct releases on Point Hope, the Lighthouse Keeper ID Card Badge should unlock at the Debriefing panel with the result of your results for your most recent investigation.
Tips for completing investigations at Point Hope in Phasmophobia

While you can certainly do ghost research in any way you prefer while doing this challenge at Point Hope, we have some general tips for dealing with ghosts on this particularly unique lighthouse map.
- Find and remember all the hideouts on the map for hunting opportunities. There are several on the first floor alone, while the rest are scattered throughout the remaining floors.
- Keep in mind that on higher difficulties some of these caches will be locked/unavailable.
- Use Cursed Objects when applicable, especially if you’re having a hard time gathering evidence or pinpointing the ghost’s favorite room.
- Check where the breaker/fuse box is located before you leave the van. If you’re playing on Amateur difficulty, the breaker will be on from the start, while on any higher difficulty, you’ll have to go turn it on yourself.
- Point Hope features new ambient ghost noises that will do their best to not only scare you but confuse you as to the location of the ghost. Remember to listen carefully and adhere to solid performance indicators.
- Sanity can dip more easily on a map like Point Hope, where you have to circle up and down floors constantly and the use of its many light sources is limited (unless you want the breaker tripping all the time). Keep your sanity sharp (also see our guide on how to manage your sanity) and help support it by trying the following:
- Use Lanterns (preferably T3) to illuminate floor paths at the exit and/or at the foot of each staircase. Alternatively, use Nightvision goggles if you have them unlocked.
- Use Firelights in a similar way, and T3 Firelights in particular won’t go out (unless in close proximity to the ghost) and can give your sanity drain a small reprieve when you’re standing near it.
- Use your Sanity Medicine sparingly, especially when playing with friends. Try to refrain from using it until you are very close to hunting territory (normally 50%).
Be sure to check out all our latest Phasmophobia news and guides at Pro Game Guides, like our Phasmophobia Apocalypse challenge guide.