How to win as the Klowns in Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Defeating as Klowns can be a little difficult in Killer Klowns because they have slower speed and less stamina than humans. However, with the right strategies and proper use of skills, you can overcome that. This Killer Klowns from Outer Space guide is here to teach you how to win as Klowns.
10 Tips to Win as a Klown in Killer Klowns of Outer Space
To get a victory as Klown, you must prevent at least three out of seven people from escaping. Additionally, getting only three people counts as a bad win, so you should aim for more. This requires strategic thinking and placement from you and your teammates, as each escape point can accommodate at least three human escapes. Here are the top 10 tips to help you achieve victories as a clown.
Kills People on Sight
Although it is a given, do not overthink it; go for the people when you have them in sight. Killing them outright removes them from the game, while putting them in cocoons and loading them into generators gets you Minions to help around.
Check the Shores

If you are spawning near the coast, check that, because most of the time, there are one or two people that are spawning on the beach near the boat escape point. If you miss them early, they’ll probably make a break in the first couple of minutes.
Remember the Vanishing Points

The game won’t tell you about the escape routes, so you have to look for them and keep them covered with cotton. Additionally, look for mistakes made by people who mark their location, which is mostly the escape points.
Select those Generators

Cocoon generators aren’t just for show, so grab any cocoons of cocoons that are lying around to attach them and spawn Minions to help find or attack people. With more lackeys, you’ll get locations from any person near them, which could be a game changer.
Use Footmen Effectively
When you are near a generator and see lackeys moving, hand them cocoons to put in the generator to get more lackeys so they can patrol that area when you leave. This helps you build authority in more areas to explore different locations for more people or escape points.
Explore the Map

Do this as soon as the game starts to remove the cotton fog so you can travel to most areas with the jump ability. This allows you to predict people’s movements and land in front of them or move to an exit when people make a mistake near an exit.
Try Not To Get Killed
Anticipate where the people will attack and be proactive to get them before they can take you down. Additionally, avoid long range confrontations with people equipped with guns unless you are fast enough to dodge their shots.
Coordinate with Your Team
Although Klowns should generally spread out to find people, there are times when it is beneficial to stick together. If you know the location of some exits, coordinating with your team to cover these points can help you catch groups of people trying to escape.
Set Appropriate Load
Many players tend to go with the default Klown build for too long, which isn’t bad but not really the best for everyone. After a few games, determine your playstyle and role on the team to choose Klown and skills accordingly. For example, if you are good at hunting and predicting human movements, a Brawler to deal damage will suit your style. Or if you’re having trouble finding people, a skill like Lure or Balloon Dog can help you track them down. Ultimately, analyze your game and go with a load that suits you best.
Get ready for a Clownpocalypse
When Klownpocalypse approaches, and you’re sure people will try to get to the Van as a last ditch effort to escape, go to the center of the map and look for people. This will allow you to stop their last attempt to escape and ensure victory in Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
For more Killer Klowns from Outer Space guides, check out Best ways to level up fast in Killer Klowns from Outer Space here on Pro Game Guides.