Is The Final Form the End of Destiny 2?

With the release of The Final Form, we all braced ourselves for our big final showdown with the biggest, baddest, baddest monobrow conglomeration-of-billions-of-beings-in-one-guy-with-a-tendency. -for-strange-leather clothes our Rangers have ever seen. So does this mean The Final Form is the end of Destiny 2?
Is Destiny 2 Ending?
short answer, no. Destiny 2 is no ending with the release of The Final Form, but it is ending the Light and Dark saga, that is only how important The Light and Dark Saga is the story that has been going on since the release of Destiny 1 back in 2014, and will officially end with the release of the raid, Salvations Edge.
For 10 years we Guardians have been fighting on behalf of The Light, a Paracausal force of nature that has formed in the entity known as “The Traveler”, to help it survive against The Darkness (another Paracausal entity). Their roots stretch back to before the birth of the universe itself, with The Gardener and The Windmaker, who were once caught in an endless cycle of life and growth, death and decay. The Gardener broke free from their endless game to spread the chaos of life and creation into the universe, only to have the Windmaker follow in an attempt to restore the logic and finality of stillness to all that it gave life to.
And of course, it wouldn’t be a sci-fi story if a bunch of hopped-up humans, robots made by humans, and things that were once humans didn’t twist in that scene; albeit with a Traveler granted space magic that lets you hurl grenades, knives and hammers at anything even remotely resembling a sentient being.
For 10 years we have been waiting for the day when we will face the entity opposed to The Traveler, known as The Witness. And that day is finally here, which means that our final confrontation is upon us, and what stands after that battle remains to be seen, but what we do know is that it will not be the end of our story.
What Comes Next?

If you needed any reason to believe that Destiny 2 won’t end with the release of The Final Form, then you need look no further than the annual content plans for the game post-Final Form. Destiny 2 is changing the way it does seasonal content, instead switching to an “Episode” based format, and we have the names and a good idea of what each episode will focus on already.
Episodes will be divided into three “Acts”, each of which will last about six weeks. They will work similarly to the Season Passes we had that were just extended. While each season only had 100 levels of rewards to earn, Episodes will have 200, with 100 available at the launch of the Episode, and 50 being unlocked with each additional Action.
Episode One, Echoes, has technically already started. We won’t be able to properly get stuck in until after the official completion of The Final Shape story, but we do know that it will focus on the Vex, and the return of our very old, very angry and very broken AI friend, Failsafe. . Episode 2 will likely focus on the Contempt if the promo image is anything to go by, while Episode 3 will focus on the Hive. So all in all, for anyone worried about Destiny 2’s impending doom, I would instead ask you to worry about your own.
If you’re looking for more Destiny 2 content from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our guide on How to get Ergo Sum, or our breakdown of the Best Titan Builds for the Legendary Campaign!