King Arthur Legends Rise Tier List (November 2024)

This level list is still a work in progress and is mostly based on the early access version of the game. We will continue to test all heroes and update the tier list in the coming days.
KA: LS has so many heroes, and trying to upgrade them all and get all their relics will leave you spread thin and unable to progress. So, to help you learn which units are best and why you should focus on them, here’s ours List of King Arthur Legends Rise levels!
King Arthur Legends Rise Tier List
You can check out ours King Arthur Legends Rise list of heroes in the image above. It is general level list that takes into account the performance of each hero trans all game modes. Based on who a relic you use and what content you do, some units may overperform or underperform for their level.
In general, the higher unit is in the level list, the more so long term benefit you will see investing and pulling for them. For example, Djerit (Debuffer/Cleanser) might seem like a random Uncommon unit, but he actually solo carries against Gorgos and other DoT stack enemies.
on the other hand, Arthur (DPS), Kay (DPS), Isolde (Support), and Clementine (Support) is OP Rare heroes for all the damage/heals they provide. It all depends on what gear a hero has and how it performs against different types of enemies.
What Are the Best Early Game Units in King Arthur Legends Rise?

Early on in your King Arthur Legends Rise adventure, you won’t have access to many Legendary heroes. That doesn’t matter though, because there are many Rare and Unusual signs you can use to progress effectively. Here is a short list of the best heroes of the early game and what they are capable of:
a hero | role | Hero | role |
Arthur | DPS Buffer |
Sara | Healer clean up |
Kay | DPS | Prohibition | Single target DPS |
Isolde | Healer clean up |
Amelia | Healer Buffer |
Clementine | Healer Support |
Djerit | Damage Over Time Party Cleanup |
Nicholas | tank Mockery |
Beborne | Support Buffer |
Gareth | Human Control | Cailleach | Human Control healer |
anxiety | DPS Damage Over Time |
Lionel | DPS |
Well, that does it for our King Arthur Legends Rise list. For more level lists, tips and tricks, be sure to follow the Guides section here on Pro Game Guides.