
King Arthur Legion IX Albina Virgila Building Guide

Building a complementary team in the tactical turn-based RPG King Arthur: Legion IX is the key to success. If you're looking for the best way to set up Albina Virgila's abilities in King Arthur: Legion IX, read on for my complete build guide.

Best Skills and Equipment for Albina in King Arthur Legion IX

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You will have Albina Virgila added to your team during the second story mission in King Arthur: Legion IX, when she is recruited to your team by leader Gaius Julius Mento. she is support and varied DPS character with three Features. On the downside she is Fragile, meaning she gets -25 percent Vitalitywhich is somewhat countered by Lost (immune to Poison and Bleeding POINTS). She is also Favored by Vesta, which gives her +1 Loyalty when you make a Humane Morality decision.

As well as always having low vitality, Albina also has to carry light armor, making her something of a glass cannon. However, don't underestimate her melee skills. While you don't want her engaging a powerful opponent, she is more than capable of dishing out a few strong melee damage if her other abilities recover.

Best Albina Skills in King Arthur Legion IX

Albina's character sheet in King Arthur: Legion IX
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You can first reset Albina's abilities before the third story mission when she is level 7. Resetting then will give you 8 skill points to spend and you will get two extra skill points with each extra level. (You can reset any character's skill at any time between missions with no cost or penalty.)

After resetting, she will have two mandatory abilities: the basic melee attack (Strike3AP) and ignition (all damaging abilities cause Burning for 2 turns). At level 10 you will unlock her Ultimate Skill, Mass Recallwhich pulls all friendly units to adjacent spaces next to Albina.

Level Taken Skill Point Cost Capable Name Description
7 2 Fire Birds Since you are constantly outnumbered in fights, having three untargetable two-turn Burn DOT machines is a big help.
7 2 Fire Strikes Target 3 enemies for 50 percent damage each. This may sound a little weak, but since Albina automatically causes Burn, this also DOT every target.
7 2 Cauterize You gain 1 Vitality whenever a unit takes Burn damage. Since this should happen every round, Caauterise is basically an always-active DOT heal for Albina.
7 2 pyromania Seeing as how your two lead skills do Burning damage, taking a skill that adds +50 percent to Burning damage is just amazing.
8 2 Balance On the surface, the ability to balance the remaining percentage of all your units Vitality looks boring. However, it's a great way to make the best use of Rest Spots and keep your entire team alive. Rest points give 75 percent vitality to all units, so balancing before the end of a battle allows you to get the maximum benefit from it. Or, if one unit has been continuously targeted, it's a great way to heal them without using a potion.
9 1 Lasting Ashes (Fire Birds update) This addresses Firebirds' biggest weakness, increasing their duration from 2 to 3 turns.
9 1 Magma Core (Fire Strikes update) This gives your Fire Strikes armor piercing, which is great for softening up heavy armor units to make them more vulnerable to Plutonius' Grave conduction attack.
10 2 Spell resistance The threat of AOE ranged attacks isn't much of a factor until you hit level 9. Once it is, you need to protect your glass cannon. Spell resistance reduced incoming spell damage by 25 percent.
11 2 Clean up As incoming effects continue to become a factor, the ability for Albina to remove all negative effects from a hero becomes super useful. It can also be used to remove all buffs from an enemy.
12 1 Keen Targeting (Fire Strikes update) This adds extra purpose to Fire Strikes. Not always useful, but will be much appreciated in most fights.
12 1 Ancient Quarter (Spell Resistance upgrade) At level 12 this is likely to be useful in all difficult fights, as it means you'll ignore the effects of the first incoming spell in any given encounter.

Best Albino Equipment in King Arthur Legion IX

Reading the phoenix rune weapon description in King Arthur: Legion IX
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While you can't guarantee what items you'll pick up on your way through King Arthur: Legion IX, these are some of the key abilities to look out for and some items I've found them on.

  • Phoenix Rune: Adds 1 extra bird when casting Firebirds
  • Strong Seal of Allegiance: Adds +1 male duration to burn effects

Beyond these or similar effects that boost your core abilities, look for any items that increase Mental Debuff Resist (to weaken incoming spell attacks), or that stop incoming damage.

I like to put Albina in the Training Room, as this gives her +1 Damage every 5 levels and she hits the highest number of targets, so will benefit her the most. I also lean towards the humanity side in morale, which makes it easy to increase her damage with the Loyalty track (thanks to Vesta's Favor, described above).

How to play Albina in King Arthur Legion IX

Without belaboring the point, Albina is a glass cannon that should be kept away from duels whenever possible. you can use Fire Strikes every other turn, so an ideal battle start will be Fire Strikes, Fire Birds, and then Fire Strikes again. Try to keep her close to the action though, like her melee Strike attack deals solid damage and is great for finishing off damaged enemies on turns where she expects to cast cooldowns.

for more on King Arthur: Legion IX here at Pro Game Guides check out How to save the merchant in The Merchant quest – King Arthur Legion IX and The Colony walkthrough – King Arthur Legion IX (Map)!

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