
Mega edition’s hunting guide

If I never have to look at that crying angel mechanics, then it’s my last day on Earth. If you are also struggling to pass him and his friends, check out our Hunting Mega Edition guide that will help you complete all the rooms and also win tokens.

How to get the badge of mega hunting pressure

If you are looking to get the badge about mega hunting pressure, I’m sad to say that you will fight a little (especially if you are unhappy like me). Your goal is go through 40 rooms without killing.

Make sure you go to the Hunted event doorOr you risk randomly playing regular modes many times without noticing (talking about unfortunate experience). This is One personal eventSo all submarines should only say 1/1.

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When you get out of the submarine, you must first pick up the Paper from the table with the lamp on the left. Once you have it, you can lower the stairs to door 40, where you start your adventure. The rooms count of 40, so your goal is to reach the lowest number, zero.

You will face against three unknown enemies As it carried unlimited lantern and a Flash Beacon with 300 charges. That’s enough to celebrate. Both of these items are very important when it comes to dealing with two of the three enemies available.

How to deal with the pressure monsters

Tall guy in pressure roblox mega hunt event
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The Mega Hunt event added three new creatures to the mixture. The most annoying to me is the Tall guy (yet no actual name). He works the same as A crying angel – Look at him and he will stay still, look away and he will come to you.

To make worse, if you do Enough distance Between you two, he will go up In the fan And appear somewhere closer to you. If he is not in your point of view, be ready to be hit. You can take two or three hits from this guy, especially if you have a healing. The worst part is that he will pick you up from the ground and dust you. Thank you sir, you didn’t push me to the ground at all.

Tall guy in pressure
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The only thing you can do against him is Keep him in your point of view. It is also useful to have him Near youBecause he is a good sign that another being is approaching you. I don’t know what it looks like and I really don’t want to find out. When the lights flash and the A tall guy hides in a wardrobeyou know you have to hide from the Monster (Capital M).

You can Hear it as it is approaching you, and if you put it in Keyyou will hear it Whooshing past you. If the tall guy is close to you, the sound of him leaving the wardrobe is a good sign that the coast is clear.

Tall guy in pressure
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The final being is this Stone Gollum Which will appear with you suddenly. You can recognize them with the sound of A slamming stone. They do not cause a lot of damage, and you can remove them by well placed flash. Jumping in a Key If you are also a good hindrance with you.

How to get the hunting mega token in pressure

The search to get the mega token in pressure is similar to the regular with Few more steps to complete. Remember that you will treat the same monsters in both searches, as well as embed the same items.

However, there is another item you can get if you have already received a SpongeBob TD and unlimited tag game Mega Tokens. Sometime in the Lobby From the game, you need to locate four pieces of paper. These are all combined in a Pascodo for a door later. Remember that the papers always generate in the same place, but they are always random.

  • Papers for the decoder in pressure mega hunting
  • Papers for the decoder in pressure mega hunting
  • Papers for the decoder in pressure mega hunting
  • Papers for the decoder in pressure mega hunting

  • 1 – of Spawngo to the left, go up on the Light pole and immediately jump on the A grill over the submarines. At the end of it is a balcony with a door. Inside, you will find the first two digits of the code.
  • 2 – Jump down and go back to Spawn. This -tally you will enter the Section of endless fashion and direct to the left. Get around the First vehicle On your way and you will see the second digits on the ground.
  • 3 – Go back to Spawn and follow the purple road Till you see a fortified in an area. Enter and to the right you will see some Pallets. Jump over them and bend back so you can see the third part of the code.
  • 4 – The final piece of the code is down the stairs that is marked by the Red road. Get down two floors until you see a door that says Lower level funnel. Inside, take immediate right through the door and you will find yourself on a passage. Follow it until you Reach a tower. The paper is on the passage to the left.

With all eight digits ready, you can now enter the hunted event and start a run. As soon as the submarine comes out, you will find yourself in the same initial area as before. This -times, go up the stairs Left first, go through the door, and down the stairs until you see Keyboard. Type the code you have assembled, and you will find Decryption inside. You just have to find this item one time, anytime after you reproduce it.

Now, go down the stairs And start your run officially. The decoder is used to Decrypt rays. You need to find five, but they can be pretty well hidden. You will have to keep your eyes peeled, and not just for the tall guy. You need to set up a radio until All lights are greenwhen you can pull out the decryption. Every time you do you get another A decrepit symboll on the device.

Once you are on the lowest floors, activate Bridge To cross. Don’t go through the next green door instead Follow the red door. This area specific to the Mega Token Search. Continue down the stairs, use the deciphered code to open the door at the bottom.

To reach the TramActivate it and you will be teleported The vault. You must be the protagonist of the show, and to do so, you have to run around the area by collecting Thirty intensity increases. All the same creatures will wander around this area as well. Once you have them, follow the road and you reach the pressure mega token.

If you are interested in other hunting games, you can check out our Complete Token Guide on Hunt Mega Edition on Pro -Game Guides.

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