Most fun and creative Dragon's Dogma 2 mods

The modding community is always busy in the weeks following the release of any popular game. The same goes for the Arisen game, so we bring you the most fun and creative Dragon's Dogma 2 mods to enjoy.
Dragon's Dogma 2 fun and creative mods
Adding mods to games is a great way to refresh the gaming experience. You could mod Dragon's Dogma 2 as soon as the game hits the shelves, and there are many great mods for this game that you can install and enjoy. However, this guide is not about them but the fun and creative fashions associated with cosmetics or features.
Instant Fake Item
This is a very simple mod Lingsamuel, that makes a very simple function: When you ask for a fake item, you will immediately get one. As a true master of forgery, you can duplicate items such as treasure, keys or other valuables.
Cure of Dragonsplague

Dragonsplague is a very annoying Weakness that only affects the Pawns. It makes them attack NPCs and do a lot of unpredictable actions. With this mod of MrBoobieBuyeryou can heal your Pawns or even prevent them from getting sick in the first place.

The players often become annoyed by the Pawns' comments about everything in the game. Emotionally made this mod to adjust the Pawn dialog options so they don't repeat the same sentence about wolves or ladders every time.
No Job Requirements

This mode of Lord Gregory cancels any Armor and Weapons job requirement. That means you can equip any piece regardless of your Summoning. However, this mod is limited to equipment only, so you cannot use Skills from other Crafts.
Related: All Vendor Locations and Inventories in Dragon's Dogma 2
DMC5 Red Queen

Vainuss1 made this interesting cosmetic mod, replacing the two-handed sword with Nero's Red Queen from Devil May Cry 5. This mod was obviously made to fulfill the amazingly accurate Nero that you can build in the game's Character Creator.
Call An Ambulance- But Not For Me

This mode of Bionic Freak significantly improves base stats for all Armor and Clothing. Almost all rings are hard, too, making your Arisen very difficult to damage, let alone kill. Additionally, all modded items weigh next to nothing. Quite handy in stressful situations.
High-Res Tattoos

The original tattoo image files in Dragon's Dogma 2 are very low resolution, only 512×512, and therefore the tattoos did not look impressive. CnRay fixed that by rendering tattoo textures in glorious 4K, so your Arisen will wear them proudly.
Related: Best mods for Dragon's Dogma 2
Super Lantern

This mod allows you to check the brightness of the lantern, range, light color, and oil cost. You can also turn your flashlight into a pocket Sun or whatever light source you prefer. Additionally, you can set the oil drain to zero, effectively making an eternal light source.
Stop Selling Yourself

Another annoying Pawn-related situation in the game is random stray Pawns that approach you and initiate the hiring dialogue by themselves. This mode, aptly named Stop Selling Yourselfprevents Peons from offering themselves to your service.
Kawaii Face Textures

Not everyone appreciates the rugged, warrior-like appearance of Arisen lords. Kawaii Face Textures mod by sofia01 causes some of the Arisen girls to get hit with a Japanizing beam. It cleans the skin texture, making it much fairer, and removes dark circles around the eyes.
For more related articles, check out What Happens To A Pawn's Inventory When You Discard Them in Dragon's Dogma 2 in Pro Game Guides.