MW3 players don’t like the Reclaimer 18

Modern Warfare 3 players don’t like how the new shotgun The Reclaimer 18 (also known as SPAS-12) works. The weapon is very easy to get, so many try it and it’s safe to say they don’t enjoy it at all.
The main complaint about this shotgun is its damage inconsistency at the different firing modes. For example, using hipfire mode does not guarantee one-shot immobilization from a specific distance, but using it from the same location with ADS does.
The semi-auto mode is also inconsistent in terms of damage output compared to the pump action mode. For example, it may take two shots to take out an enemy with pump action mode while it will take four or five shots in semi-auto mode at the same distance.
Players also complain about the damage output at various intervals. One player sums it up perfectly, saying, ”I instantly got hit marks, and then proceeded to get 17m one shot kills; it has to be the most inconsistent shotgun I’ve used since the original MW3.”(via u/MrCongo93).
Many have tried it in Zombies, with one user saying, ”I noticed in MWZ that it’s definitely bugged there. When shooting mercs sometimes it just does zero damage. In some cases, I wouldn’t be able to outright kill mercs with it because it just wouldn’t damage them at all (range). I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar weird happened in multiplayer because of how weak it is.”(via u/BloodCrazeHunter)
So this pretty much confirms that the Reclaimer 18’s damage is very inconsistent in all the main game modes. But, really, shotguns are about the worst weapon type you can use in multiplayer, as they need to be heavily tweaked to work well (even more the case with pump-action variants, the Reclaimer 18 being the worst offender). Hopefully, the developers notice this problem and patch its flaw in future updates.
For more on Modern Warfare 3, check out How to earn CDL Major 4 audience rewards in the game, here on Pro Game Guides.