New Red Dead Redemption 2 Update Removes Features And Annoys Fans

A new and unexpected Red Dead Redemption 2 update has been released by Rockstar Games. It removes features from Red Dead Online. This change from Rockstar upset some fans. A similar change was made to GTA Online earlier this year.
Despite no new major content updates for years, Rockstar Games still continues to roll out base updates and Event Months. This time, a downloadable patch was not required as the changes were made server-side by the game’s developers.
The changes were made to Posse and Horse names in Red Dead Online. All the usual names for Posses and Horses are no longer publicly visible. This means that whatever you decide to name your horse or herd will only appear to you.
What names will replace the usual names has been confirmed by Rockstar. All horses will display their horse breed instead of a custom name. As for possessions, all players who are part of one will appear publicly as members of their leader’s Posse.
This move is not entirely unexpected. Rockstar Games added restrictions to GTA Online’s custom organization names earlier this summer. This also resets player names for the organizations. The restrictions were eased after a backlash as some really good names were caught on the blacklist.
Below are the patch notes for the latest update shared by Rockstar support:
Patch Notes
(September 24, 2024) – General
- Custom Posse names are no longer visible in Red Dead Online. All players in a Posse will now appear publicly as members of their leader’s Posse
- Custom Horse Names are no longer visible in Red Dead Online. All owned Horses will now appear publicly as their Horse Breed
In other Red Dead news, Red Dead Redemption 2 was the 4th most downloaded PlayStation 4 game last month. Red Dead Redemption 1 for PC has also been leaked by Rockstar again.
Other events of Red Dead Online

The current Red Dead Online event month continues until the end of the month. You can find out everything that is live in the game here. Be on the lookout early next month when we cover what happens next in Red Dead Online.
For more news on Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, stay tuned to RockstarINTEL.
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