Nobody Wants to Die Endings Walkthrough – All Endings and Puzzles

Nobody Wants to Die is the latest game to answer the question ‘what if we had a Cyberpunk world with some other things?’, and this time those things are crime scene reconstruction and immortality. Here I will walk you through all four endings and all the evidence board puzzles. Be careful major spoilers ahead
All the Endings in Nobody Wants to Die, Explained
Nobody Wants to Die has a total of four endings, and despite the game repeatedly informing you that choices you make will affect the story, your final ending depends on your decisions in four key moments throughout the game. I’ll list these key moments below so you know what to look out for.
Icarus Salon
Choosing whether or not to shoot the dead rich guy in the head. Very sporty.

The Chamber of Secrets
Choosing whether or not to close the door after you leave the weirdest rich rec room I’ve ever seen.

A conversation with Sara
Accusing either “The Killer” or Green of being behind it all.

Jane Salma
Choosing whether or not to shoot Jane Salma/Sara’s Body/The Murderer (yeah I know) in the final confrontation. This choice technically has two variations, depending on your chosen ending. Ending #1 and Ending #2 will have you lying on the ground, and your choice will be whether or not to shoot Jane Salma in the back. Ending #3 and Ending #4 will have you standing talking to Jane Salma, and you will have to choose between shooting her, or throwing away your gun.

Ending #1 – The Kind of Bad Ending

Ending #1 is not everyone bad, but it’s not great. Sara will be pretty upset that you made a bit of a mess of her body, but at least the Killer didn’t leave in it. To reach this end, you must make the following choices.
- Do NOT shoot the dead rich man in the head.
- DO NOT close the door in Green’s Apartment.
- Select ‘The Killer’ in the conversation with Sara.
- Shoot the Killer/Jane Salman.
Ending #2 – The Not Great Not Terrible Ending

This one is mostly the same as Ending #1, but this time you’ll instead let Jane Salma leave at the end. You’re still toast, but at least Sarah has a chance to get her body back. Choices are as follows.
- Do NOT shoot the dead rich man in the head.
- DO NOT close the door in Green’s Apartment.
- Select ‘The Killer’ in the conversation with Sara.
- DO NOT shoot the Killer/Jane Salman.
Ending #3 – The Worst Ending

This is the right bad ending as this sees you kill Jane Salman, but unfortunately Sara won’t get a second chance at things like she does in Ending #1 and Ending #2. You also don’t really come to terms with everything that happened, so it’s just a lose lose all around.
- Shoot the dead rich man in the head.
- CLOSE the door in Green’s Apartment.
- Choose ‘Green’ in the conversation with Sara.
- Shoot the Killer/Jana Salman.
Ending #4 – The Good (?) Ending

This is the “good” ending, if only for the simple fact that you realize you’re just a little crazy, and always have been, but you have some closure and the chance to put those demons of yours to rest. . Plus, Sara gets taken care of like she does in Ending #1 and Ending #2, so at least she still comes out of it okay. You’re done though, sorry. To reach this end, you will need to make these choices.
- Shoot the dead rich man in the head.
- CLOSE the door in Green’s Apartment.
- Choose ‘Green’ in the conversation with Sara.
- Throw away your gun when you face Jane Salma.
All Evidence Board Puzzle Solutions in Nobody Wants to Die
The Evidence Boards are some of the only sections in Nobody Wants to Die that really let you get your thinking cap on, but sometimes the solutions can be a little counter-intuitive. Here I will provide the correct connections for all three Hint Boards that you can find in the game.
I’ll name the question first, and then the proof you’ll need to drag to it to progress. Please note that in some of the boards you have to wait for a certain dialog to finish before more options are added to the board, so if something is missing you may just have to wait a moment.
Evidence panel #1

To complete this demo board, you will need to make the following connections.
A question | Evidence |
Sarah’s doubts | Wounded |
Blood Road | beating |
Culprit and Motive | Memory clock |
A sentimental farewell | Journal of Green |
Cause of Death | Dead Ichorite |
Final Death | Toxicology Report |
Domestic Stress | a bottle |
Evidence panel #2

This second board has a lot more options and some very concise connections to make. The solution is as follows.
A question | Evidence |
Vanishing Points | Serpent Symbol |
Slippery Road | Toxicology of Icarus |
Deadly Weave | Green’s Last Letter |
Next Step | Agent Dean |
The Drink Motive | Technical Plans |
Vague Plans | Travis Collette |
Evidence panel #3

Gone is our small but practical midtown floor for this final demo board, replaced instead by the cold hard metal of an underground slum. The solution to this board is as follows.
A question | Evidence |
The Meaning of Plot | Redroom’s Big Wigs |
Systemic Injury | Icarus Salon |
Politics Per Se | The Plans of Green |
Taking Over The Body | Transfer Machine |
Ex Machina | Salma’s recorder |
Tormented Soul | Monitoring of Registrations |
Necessary Death | Ouroboros |
an oracle | The Shade of Green |
If you found this guide helpful and are looking for more mystery game goodness from us here at Pro Game Guides, check out our Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Walkthrough or our Duck Detective: The Secret Salem Prosecutor Walkthrough!