Pet Simulator 99 Private Server Links (June 2024)

One of the best ways to search for shiny relics or trade valuable pets without the hassle of any annoying stranger in Pet Simulator 99 is to use private servers. So, if you are a F2P player and still want to enjoy the benefits of using a private server, don’t worry! Here is a list of private server links for you and your friends to enjoy the game in complete privacy.
All Active Pet Simulator 99 Servers Links
Why do you need Private Pet Simulator 99 Server?
As mentioned before, private servers provide the luxury of grinding all quests and missions privately without the interference of any random player. Also, it is the best place to farm for pets if you want to make your character much stronger and aim for the leaderboards.
How do you buy Pet Simulator 99 Private Server?
Sometimes, those free private servers mentioned above can get crowded on weekends, and you might still want to play on a private server. In such cases, it is always better to get a dedicated server. To get one, you just have to go to the Pet Simulator 99 store on the Roblox platform and buy the servers for 400 Robux.
What is the size of a Private Server in Pet Simulator 99?
A total of 30 players can enjoy and play the game on a Private Server in Pet Simulator 99. Unfortunately, you cannot increase beyond this limit, and the only solution is to kick the existing player to make space for more people.
Is the Pet Simulator 99 private server worth it?
Yes, the Pet Simulator 99 is absolutely worth your time and money for all the reasons mentioned above. I highly recommend pooling money between your friends and getting a private server for yourself if you enjoy playing on the above.
Is there a difference between Private and Public Server in Pet Simulator 99?
Both the private and public servers provide the same gaming experience in Pet Simulators 99. There is no difference in terms of spawn rates or times for specific items, and everything is the same!
How to join a Private Pet Simulator 99 server?
Joining a private Pet Simulator 99 is quite simple. All you need to do is click on one of the links above, and you’ll jump right into the lobby. If you have your own server and want to invite your other friends, copy the invite link from your server and send it to them to join your server. You can find the link to your private server when creating or opening it.
For more information on Pet Simulator 99, check out All Pet Clan Bonuses in Pet Simulator 99 or How to get Hacker Keys in Pet Simulator 99 – Roblox in Pro Game Guides.