
Puzzle Lovers Walkthrough – Adventure Escape Mysteries

Puzzle Lovers is a new style of game theme in the Adventure Escape Mysteries series, but don’t worry as it’s still packed with puzzles and intrigue. If you’re looking for a bit of guidance while playing it through, read on below for my full Puzzle Lovers walkthrough. 

How to beat AE Mysteries Puzzle Lovers – Full walkthrough

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The game begins with us meeting Xia, who welcomes us to her new reality show, Puzzle Lovers, where we’ll get to travel the world while solving puzzles – and maybe fall in love. We also meet Alex, Mo, Ivy, and Jake who we’re competing with for the million-dollar prize!

You then get to pick one of eight characters and your name, but they’re only different in appearance. You’ll have a lot of roleplaying decisions to make throughout the game, but they do not affect the outcome. Even if you decide to vote a character off during the game, you’ll still get a chance to speak to them once more at the end, so don’t worry. 

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 1 walkthrough

Trying to open the gate to the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Your first job is to make it to the plane by sunset so you can make it to the competition in time to compete. After meeting Jake outside the gate that you need to pass to get to the plane, you decide to split up to try and solve the gate code.

Click the box (a1) to find and pick up a Fire Extinguisher and then the engine (a2) to remove the top section and find a Washer. Now use the washer on the viewer (a3) to operate it, moving the view to note the plane’s number is 74381. Enter this code into the gate (a4) and it will start to open, but gets stuck!

Jake then asks why you’re going on the show. You can answer for the money, for love, for fun, or to cause trouble. I don’t think the answers matter other than to change some dialogue options, but for the record, I chose to get the money to save the vineyard. Afterward, Jake tries to force the gate and starts a small fire. 

Breaking through the gate in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the extinguisher to put it out, then take the Socket Wrench from the box (a5) and use it on the bolts (a6) to get some Wire. Use the wire on the box (a5) and the gate will open, allowing you to head through.

Getting to the plane

Arriving at the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Move the palms (b1) to find a Puzzle Piece, and click the ruffled carpet (b2) to find a second Puzzle Piece. Now note the number of colored plane windows (yellow 7, blue 3, black 1, and white 6). Use this code (7316) on the padlock on the tarp (b3) to remove it, revealing the baggage underneath and making a camera appear. 

Trying to get onto the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Take a third Puzzle Piece from the side of the camera (b4), then click the left pile of cases (b5) to find a Nail File, the middle pile to get three more Puzzle Pieces, and then clear the last of the luggage. Now you can move the cart to find a Newspaper, Flattened Pipe, and your seventh Puzzle Piece underneath. 

Use the pipe to open the floor grate (b6) and find your final Puzzle Piece, before selecting the mechanical stairs (b7) and using the nail file to open the side panel. Add the eight puzzle pieces to start a connections puzzle (see the solution below). Finally, you need one more code to board the plane (click the now-raised steps to gain access to it). To find it, look at the lights in the sky being made by the spotlights and count the beams from left to right (3243). 

Solving the mechanical stairs puzzle in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Jake asks if you want to make a secret alliance. I chose to keep my options open, as it felt too early to make a decision, but again it is only going to affect dialogue choices. 

Onboard the plane

Exploring the plane cabin in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You’ll meet Alex and Mo when you get onto the plane and have a few more RP questions to answer. I said the show was canceled, just for fun, and almost fooled them. Xia then gives you a checklist to complete that you can examine in your inventory. Click the two bunches of flowers behind Mo (c1) to reveal a red button (c2) and take the Staple Remover (c3). Also, press the red button to retract the ceiling curtain. 

Take the Box of Chocolates (c4) and then click Mo (c1) and Alice (c5) for a chat with each. Use the staple remover on the heart rug (c6) to find a Music Key and use it on the right overhead locker (c7) to get the Legendary Guitar. Now give Alice the newspaper so she can check the chess results, and give Mo his guitar. They’ll both leavel leave the cabin and you’ll be joined by Ofeibia.

completing the check list on the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You can now take the Champagne from the bucket (c8) and move the purple cushion (c9) to find a Gold Heart. Talk to Ofeibia once more and then give her the chocolates. This will also gain you the Movie Key, while you can pick up a second Gold Heart from the floor when Ofeibia tries to open the plane door. Use the gold hearts to open the table (c10) to find a Huge Wrench, give it to Ofeibia, and she’ll let Ivy in from outside.

Meet the contestants

Use the key to open the left luggage locker (c11) to find a Super-8 Camera, and give it to Ivy. She’ll give you a Remote Control in return. Click the open door and Jake will appear from outside. After talking to him, give him the champagne and he’ll leave. 

Completing the first nonogram on the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the ice bucket (c8) again to knock it over and find some Wire Cutters. Use them to remove the painting from the wall (c12) and use the remote control on the screen behind to start a nonogram puzzle. Once complete, you’ll have to complete a second one. The solutions are above and below. 

Completing the second nonogram on the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Afterward, you’ll meet Jon. Take the Coordinate Printout from below the screen (c12) that appeared after you completed the nanograms. Give it to Jon, close any overhead compartments that are open, answer another RP question (I said I’m here for the money), and you’ll have completed Chapter 1.

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 2 walkthrough – Mystere Island

Getting ready to jump from the plane in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You first need to decide who you want to partner with on the island. Click Xia and she’ll explain this to you. You can then select each character to have a chat with them, or simply click Xia once more to make your choice. I chose Ivy, but once again it is just an RP decision. Once you’ve chosen, the cabin will be empty.   

Move the heart cushions (d1), take the Small Key, and use it to open the suitcase (d2) to find a Handle. Now move the flowers covering part of the luggage rack (d3) to reveal a number lock that has four colors (red, green, yellow, and blue). 

Finding the mistere island puzzle code in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the screen image of the island (d4) for a close-up and look for the numbers in the image that match the colors on the lock, giving you 8523. Use this code to open the luggage rack and take a Parachute. Finally, use the handle on the hatch (d5) to open it and click the hole to jump! 

The parachute puzzle

  • Solving the parachute puzzle in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
  • Solving the parachute puzzle in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
  • Solving the parachute puzzle in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
  • Solving the parachute puzzle in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers

This begins a cord arrangement puzzle. You need to keep dragging the connectors until all of the connectors and the ropes turn from red to white. Once you do, you’ll land safely on the island (if you’re stuck on this one, I’ve included a gallery of work-in-progress images above).

Exploring around the rope bridge on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Move the parachute from the walkway (which gets you a Parachute Cord) and then move the rock (e1) to find a Wooden Ring. Move the leaves (e2) to get a Branch, and use the branch to knock the coconut down (e3) to get some Coconut Oil. Use the oil to loosen and then take the Machete (e4).

Use the machete to chop back the bush (e5) and take the Wooden Dowel, and again on the far wall (e6) to find a Wooden Disc. Click the gate you reveal here for a close-up, click the leave to move them, and take a second Wooden Dowel. Now use the machete on the foliage covering the other door (e7), add the wooden ring, wooden disc, and the two dowels, and the gate will open. Unfortunately, this also destroys the rope bridge! Click the open gateway (e7) to move forward.

Entering the cabin

Trying to enter the cabin on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the machete to get some Vines and then click the tree (f1) to uncover a code. On each line, from top to bottom, count the number of paired hearts to get the code 3121. Look at the door (f2) which says ‘couples only and use this code to try to enter. The door opens, but a tree falls, damaging the cabin. Will nothing go right today? 

Exploring the damaged cabin on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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After your latest calamity, click the tree to remove it, and then click any of the planks (f3) to get some Planks. Click the satellite dish (f4) to knock down a rod, then add the cord in your inventory to it to be able to collect a Fishing Rod. Move the debris (f5) to get the Computer and add it to the desk next to the monitor (f6). Also, take the Wooden Heart you reveal on the floor that was under the computer (f5).

Click the signpost (f7) to return to the broken bridge and add the vines and plans to repair it. Use the fishing rod to get your second Wooden Heart (e8), add them to the far door (e6), and then proceed through the new gate (e6). 

The lava pools

Exploring the lava pool on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Move the camera (g1) to take a Shovel, then click the steps (g2) to return to the rope bridge. Looks like you’ve got company! Click the pants that have appeared on the bridge to find a Silver Key. Return to the lava, use the key to open the coolbox (g3), and take the Dehydrated Soup and an Empty Thermos from inside. 

Return to the rope bridge and use the thermos on the waterfall (e8) to get a Thermos of Cold Water. Now you can add the soup powder and water to the pot by the lava (g4), and then pick the thermos up once more and use it in the soup to get a Thermos of Hot Soup. Go back to the bridge, put the soup in the bowl on the bridge, and the creature will leave.  

Head to the hut and use the shovel to dig up the pile of stones (f8), open the blue box you find underneath, and take the Thermal Scanner. Return to the lava and use the scanner on the volcanoes (g5) to reveal four symbols.

Getting the solar panel 

Solving the safe code puzzle on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Now remove more debris back at the hut to reveal a safe (f9). Enter the four symbols you saw in the lava and it will open, allowing you to take the Heat Resistant Gear. Use the gear to get past the poisonous plants that have appeared by the righthand gate and then also use it to take the Solar Panel (g6). Return to the cabin (using the protective gear to get past the snake) to trigger a cutscene.

You get some more RP conversation decisions (I chose I think that pig ate them, and suggested sharing the hammock). In the morning, click anywhere in the background to connect the solar panel and then pick up the Cloth Napkin (where the pile of stones was, f8). Use the napkin to clean the solar panel and the computer will power up, so click it to begin an electrical puzzle.

Solving the computer puzzle on Mystere Island in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Note that when you get to 19, you need to go back to 18, and then return to 19, before you can go to 20. After going from 21 to 22, you need to return to 21 before going to 23. Once you’re done, there’s another cutscene before you get back on the plane. Choose someone to vote off of the show (I picked Jon), answer another RP question, and you’ll have completed Chapter 2. I also noted that I’d gained a heart with Ivy

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 3 walkthrough – Frijonya

Gearing up for the snow in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Again, you need to choose a partner (I picked Ivy again) before the cabin clears of contestants. Click the cup (h1) to find a Fun Straw, move the cushions (h2) to get a Garter Belt, and click the open curtains (h3) to gain two Velcro Straps. Select the skidoo (h4) to find it is not working and pop the hood for a close-up. 

Remove the belt and replace it with the garter; use the straw to replace the missing hose; and use the velcro to stop the two units from shaking. Now you just need to click the skidoo once more to head off to the gate at Frijonya.

Opening the gate 

Trying to open the gate in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the skidoo that belongs to two of your rivals and then pick up the Rune Document that’s left in their wake (i1). Take the Replica Shield, a Runic Disc, and a Scarf from the snowman (i2), and then use the shield to dig through the pile of snow (i3) to discover a second Runic Disc. Use the shield once more to remove the snow in front of the gate. 

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Pick up the Empty Bottle by the camera (i4), then click the skiddo to find it’s leaking oil. Click the oil slick with the bottle selected in your inventory to get a Bottle of Oil. Now click the gate itself (i5) to get a Striped Bar and use it in the four holes in front of the gate to get a code (look at how many stripes you can see on the bar when placed in each hole. The 4 is pictured above), 3546.

The runic code in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the shield to dig the snow to the left of the tree (i6) to find the final Runic Disc and add all three to the gate. Use the Rune Document to find the symbols you need that match your code (see above), enter them on the discs on the gate, add some oil to its hinges, and head inside.

Inside the cave

Inside the cave in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the camera (j1) and it will catch fire. Select the candle selection (j2) to get a Candle, use it in the fire to get a Lit Candle, and then use the lit candle to light the other candles so that you can see the rest of the room. Take the Frozen Axe (j3) and use it in the fire (j1) to acquire a Burning Axe, which you can now use to break down the ice wall (j4).

Firing up the drill in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the sheet covering the center of the room to remove it and discover the drill. Remove the two stools (k1) to find two Wooden Levers, take the Viking Knife (k2) from the bench, and then remove the cloth it was holding down to grab a third Wooden Lever

Remove the snow from the control panel (k3), click it for a close-up, and then use the knife to dislodge and then take the Mysterious Crystal. Light the candle in the blue holder (k4) with your own candle, place the crystal on top, and notice it casts a light on the portrait on the wall (k5). Select the portrait, take the final Wooden Lever, and note the positions the pink lights highlight. 

Completing the drill cog puzzle in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Add the levels to the control panel (k3) and then set the levers as follows (with 1 meaning the top hole, and five the bottom, from left to right): 15342. This opens the side panel on the drill (k6), which you now need to click to begin a gears puzzle. I’ve pictured the correct gear sequence above. 

The drill will break through the ice wall, so take the Ladder that was leaning against it (k6) before clicking the debris behind where the ice wall was (k7) to remove it. Add your piece of the ladder to the piece above and then take your pick from the RP dialogue chives (I wanted another heart, so I went for ‘Let’s make out’). 

The cabin

Outside the cabin in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Once you click the image once or twice the storm will clear. Pick up the Shovel Handle (l1), select it in your inventory, and then click the shovel blade (l2) to get a Snow Shovel. Select it and use it to remove the snow on the right (l3) to reveal a log; on the doorway to reveal the door (l4); and on the left (l5) to find some BBQ Tongs

Use the tongs to reach the Tapestry Piece (l6) and then click the door to discover the combination lock has four different symbols above each number. These match various parts of the cabin’s exterior, as follows: 

  1. Circle: the beams above the door (4)
  2. Spike: The roof detail (5)
  3. Reverse E: Detail above windows (6)
  4. Heart: On the window shutters (7) 

Inside the cabin

Fixing the wall in the cabin in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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The door will now open, so head inside. Use the shovel to remove the snow from the fallen beam (m1) and then click the beam to prop it up and repair the hole in the wall. Take the Replica Axe that is revealed behind the piece of wall you just fixed (m2) and open the book on the table (m3) to grab a Heart Token. Click the book once more to remove it, revealing a game table underneath. You can also now stand up the cabinet that had toppled over (m4). 

Finding the game pieces in the cabin in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Select the lower section of the cabinet (m5), take a Candle Lighter from inside, and then take a second Tapestry Piece from the middle section (m6) and a third Tapestry Piece from the top section (m7). Add the pieces to the picture frame (m8) and then drag and rotate the pieces to complete the image (see below for the completed tapestry). It’s pretty straightforward, as when a piece is in the correct place it can no longer be moved. Once complete, it flips to reveal a Game Board which you can take.  

The completed tapestry in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Head back outside and use the axe on the log (l3) to get some Firewood. Put the firewood in the fireplace (m9), use the candle lighter to light the fire, and then enjoy some hot chocolate. Afterward, pick up your second Heart Token that drops on the floor by the cabinet. Move the rug to find a third and use the BBQ tongs to get this final Heart Token

How to win the board game 

Winning the board game in Frijonya in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Put the game board on the table (m3), add the heart tokens, and play the game.

  • For your first three turns, move the bottom-right piece up three times
  • For the next four, move the top-right piece left 
  • Move your left piece down when your opponent goes down, then when they go back up move the top-right piece left once more. Keep doing this until your opponent’s piece has gone all the way to the left (you’ll now be in the position above)
  • Move your right central piece left twice, allowing the opponent’s piece to almost make it to the top left exit, before using your top-left piece to block it
  • This now gives you time to get your piece on the right far enough left to block your opponent’s escape, winning you the game

I presume the game always plays out the same way but if not, you can simply restart. Once complete, you can claim the Key below the table and use it in the lock underneath the tapestry. This drops a bed down from behind the wall, so click the phone on the bed to let Xia know you’re OK. After enjoying the Northern Lights outside, I decided to go for the option, I love seeing this with you. 

Go back inside, click the bed, make one final RP decision, and then you’ll be back on the plane. I voted Mo off this time, also noting that I now had two hearts with Ivy. And with that, Chapter 3 is complete

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 4 walkthrough – Ancient Greece

Leaving the plane in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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When you’re alone on the plane (I partnered with Ivy again), grab the Volleyball (n1), Volleyball Net (n2), Beach Umbrella (n3), and the Bronze Face from the chest (n4), before clicking the plane door to exit.

Trying to enter the temple in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Once the temple has risen from the water, give the volleyball to the octopus (n5) to reveal the top of the plinth. Click the blue bag (n6) to find a Hand Crank underneath, and use the net in the pool (n7) to find a second Bronze Face. Place the two faces on the plinth (n5) and you’ll be able to remove the top to unveil a keypad for a code. 

Now use the umbrella to remove the seaweed around the top of the temple (n8). Note the patterns of the frames around each of the three images you’ve revealed and use them as the code to enter the temple. (black and white circles; white squares and black circles; opposing circling patterns). 

Finding the right puzzle code patterns in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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I’ve pictured it above if you get stuck. When you get it right, a compartment with gears inside will appear at the bottom of the plinth. Use the crank on the gears and the door will open, allowing you into the temple.  

Inside the temple

Exploring the temple in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Once inside, click the pink plants on the central plinth (o1) to reveal a puzzle. I’ve pictured the completed puzzle below. If you’re stuck on this one, follow the blue line in the image by clicking the next tile it goes through, from bottom left to bottom right. Once done, the water will drain out of the room, leaving you with the scene you see above.

Completing the plinth route puzzle in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the umbrella to remove the seaweed from the three statues (o2), take the Bronze Key from the plinth (o1), move the shells on the left (o3) to find two Bronze Rods, and then go back to the plane and use the bronze key to open the chest (n4). Take the Belt of Aphrodite and two Bronze Rods.

Return to the temple and add the four rods to the plinth (o1) to begin another puzzle. The key to solving this one is the positions of the arms you can see on the three statues you unveiled. The one on the left is in a V shape, the middle two arms are facing down, while on the right the one arm you can see goes down and then right. Thinking about a clock face, this means you need to set the three dials (from left to right) at roughly five past 11, 6-o-clock, and 3-o-clock. See below for the answer.

Setting the dials on the plinth in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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More cogs are now revealed in the base of the plinth. Head back outside, retrieve the Crank from the plinth there (n5), and use it on the plinth inside. This opens the two grates (o4). Click one of the grates to trigger a brief RP conversation with your partner, and then head down!

Below the temple

Getting through the tunnels in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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This begins your next puzzle. Both you and your partner (represented by the hearts) have eight moves each to get to safety and you have to work together to make it. Take the following steps to get through if you’re stuck (the red heart is the one on the left):

  1. Red heart right (to stand on the red button)
  2. White heart up three times and then right, to stand on the blue button
  3. Red heart left onto the green button
  4. White heart down and left, to the green button
  5. Red heart left twice and up twice, past the blue door (but not onto the blue button)
  6. White heart left and up
  7. Red heart up and right

Aphrodite’s shrine

Escaping Aphrodite's shrine in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Click the pot (p1) to knock it over and collect a Plate. Select the red sheet (p2) to remove it and take the Flint Kit you can now see under the bed.  Click the blue flowers (p3) twice to reveal and take a Triangular Piece, and then click the trellis (p4) twice to take it and also find a Marble Arm

Use the trellis on the statue of Aphrodite (p5) to get the height you need, and then add the marble arm and the belt to the statue. When you add the belt, a floor panel will open next to the bed. Also use the flint to light the candle in the hand of the statue, which illuminates the ceiling above. Click the ceiling for a close-up, which reveals a dove surrounded by five planets. Use the plate on the image (pictured below) and note the number of stars now framed next to each colored planet.  

The ceiling pattern in Greece in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Come out of the close-up and add the triangular piece to this panel to reveal a puzzle. Click the gems in the order indicated by the image you just saw (blue, green, white, orange, and then pink), and a door will appear at the back of the room. This triggers another RP moment, which I used to get closer to Ivy once more. Then it’s back to the plane for the next vote. I reluctantly voted off Jake, to get rid of the only other male competition! And with that, you’ll have completed Chapter 4.

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 5 walkthrough – The Serengeti

Prepping the bike in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Once you’ve gone through the usual partner-picking parade (yup, you guessed it; I went for Ivy again!), it’s time to prepare for the bike ride ahead. Select the crash helmets (q1), then the cable charging the bike (q2), and then click the emergency supplies box (q3) to place it on the back of the bike. Now click the plane door to open it and you’re away.

Counting the colored stones in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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When you arrive at a futuristic-looking museum to find it locked, note the number of rocks of each color lining the pathway (7 black, 5 grey, 4 white). Use this as the code for the door (754) and be greeted by Khadija. Click the entrance to head inside.

The first museum challenge 

Exploring the museum  in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Once your partner is taken to another area of the museum, you’ll be left to listen to a narrator. Once they’re done the left side of the exhibit will be lit up (r1), so click it to enter the exhibit. 

Exploring the first river setting  in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Move the large central fallen tree by clicking it, and then click the leaves on the board (s1) you find behind it to remove them and then pick up the Pigment Chunk and Stone they were covering. Finally, click the board (s1, a Hand Painting) to collect that too.

Go back out to the hallway and click the screen (r2) to see that you need to recreate the gift from the tribe across the river. You can now click the area on the right (r3) to enter the workshop.

Using the workbench in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Place the hand painting on the workbench (see above) and click the shell (t1) to add the pigment to it. Click the Knife (t2), Grinding Stone (which appears below the shell once you’ve placed the pigment), and Gourd (t3) to collect them, and then use the stone on the pigment in the shell (t1) to reduce it to powder. 

Return to the river scene and use the knife on the tree (s2) to get some Bark and on the plant next to it (s3) to get some Bushy Reeds. Also, use the gourd in the river (s4) to get a Gourd of Water. Use the water on the shell in the workshop (t1) to make a paste and place the piece of bark on the workbench. Add the reeds to the stick on the bench (t4) to make a Brush, use the brush on the pigment (t1) to get a Brush With Paint, and then use that on the bark to complete the hand painting. 

The second museum challenge

Exploring the second rive scene in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You’ll find that both the screen (r2) and the scene on the left (r1) have now changed. The screen says that you now need to repair the gift from the tribe across the river, so get back to the left display. Use the knife to get some Thin Vine from the tree (s5), move the branch (s6) to find an Unfinished Necklace, and move the leaves by the same branch, and take the Animal Teeth

Click the debris on the left of the screen (s7) to reveal some sand, then do the same on the sand to find and collect some Little Shells. Now you can return to the workshop (r3) and place the incomplete necklace on it, before using the knife to untie it. At this point you must add the little shells and animal teeth to the bench, followed by the thin vine. This completes the challenge.

The third museum challenge

Exploring the third river scene in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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The screen (r2) now asks you to recreate the weapon from the tribe across the river. Go back to the river scene (r1) and pick up the Spear Thrower (s8). Next, move the branches (s9) before using the knife to cut back the vines (s9). This allows you to take the V-Shaped Branch they were hanging on. 

Return to the workshop (r3) and place the spear thrower and v-shaped branch on the workbench. Use your knife on the v-shaped branch, first on the left end and then on the right. Finally, use the brush with paint to make the lower spear look the same as the original. You then get an RP question. I went with, ‘We should trade with them’.

Afterward, a plinth rises from the floor of the museum, which you can click to begin the next puzzle. You need to move the logs so that they form a path you can use to get from one side of the river to the other. To complete the puzzle, do the following:

Getting across the river in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
Image by Pro Game Guides
  • Move log 1 down
  • Move log 2 down
  • Move log 3 left
  • Move log 1 up
  • Move log 4 down
  • Move log 5 left
  • Move log 2 up (that completes the left side) 
  • Move log 6 left
  • Move log 7 down
  • Move log 6 right
  • Move log 8 down
  • Move log 6 left again
  • Move log 9 up
  • Move log 7 up

Your tribespeople will now cross the river. Your companion returns, as does Khadija, and you’ll get another RP question. I chose that the first meeting was all business, after which the screen goes blank and two ladders appear from the ceiling. Click either ladder to begin the 10 ladders problem.

The final cave painting

The 10 ladders problem in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You need to place and rotate 10 ladders by clicking the red dots. You and your companion can be seen at the bottom left and right of the screen. The ladders need to be placed so that you can both reach the top. The trick is to reunite with your partner as quickly as possible to conserve ladders. I’ve pictured the solution above. 

Opening the crate in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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You’ll now arrive in the final cave. Take the spear (u1) and use it to open the crate (u2). Click all six items inside the crate to pick them up, and then add the four pieces of computer equipment to the desk (u3), place the yellow wheels on the ground (u4), and add the light to it. You’ll end up with the picture below. 

Select the desk (u3) for a close-up and drag each of the computer pieces until you see lights show up when their screens come on. If you note the amount of lights relative to each piece of equipment you end up with, 4,6,7, and 10.

Finding the final cave painting in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Now select the back wall (u5), which is lit by the lamp, for a close-up. Select the four flags that match the monitor lights (4,6,7,10, in that specific order) and the final cave painting will be revealed. After another RP question, you’ll have completed all the museum tasks. 

Your tent for the night      

Checking out the tent in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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When you arrive at your destination for the night, take the Pliers from the stove (v1) and move the emergency supplies (v2) off the back of the motorbike. You need a code to open the supplies box, so use the pliers to fix the zip of the tent and open it up.

Solving the tent padlock problem in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Take the Hedge Clippers (v3) and use them to prune some Branches from the tree (v4), which you can add to the stove (v1). Now click the table and chairs in the tent to move them outside. To open the padlock on the supplies (v2), get a close-up of the lock and count the marks on the thread around its edge to get the code (3443). Now you can take the Easy-Cook Meal, Air Compressor, Pan, and Camping Firestarter from inside. 

Use the compressor to pump up the airbed (v5), and then light the stove (v1) with the firestarter before adding the pan and the meal. Once you’ve enjoyed the meal and taken another bunch of RP conversation decisions, you’ll be back on the plane. Vote the next contestant off and you’ll be at the end of Chapter 5, This time I waved farewell to Alex.

Puzzle Lovers Chapter 6 walkthrough – The Vineyard

Gwtting to the gate at the vineyard in the Serengeti in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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It all changes at the start of Chapter 6 as you head off to try and save Carmela and the vineyard! Once you’ve chosen your partner for the final chapter (Ivy for me), click the plane hatch to arrive down at your family vineyard. Click the parachute to remove it from the barrier and then take the Truck Key from the mailbox (w1). Click the blue barrier to remove it, and then the box (w2) to open it and find a Screwdriver

Select the headlamps (w3) next to remove and collect the Duct Tape, then click the headlamps once more to remove them and take the Wires underneath. Take the Fruit Picker from the side of the truck (w4), then use the truck key to open the truck door (w5) and take the Extinguisher and Cleaning Cloth from the cab. 

Finding the clues on the floor at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the cleaning cloth on the puddle (w6) to reveal the image above and then use the extinguisher to put out the fire (w7) and use the cloth once more to reveal two more clues on the ground. Use the duct tape to repair the overhead wire (w8) and then use the fruit picker to raise the same wire back into its proper place. 

Use the screwdriver to remove the front plate of the intercom (w9), add the wires, and press the button to talk to Camila. She doesn’t have the code, so you need to work it out from the images drawn on the ground. If you click the buttons on the pad, you’ll see the numbers that appear are in different colors matching the clues (green, purple, red, and finally white).

Using the intercom at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides
  • Green is 2 
  • Tee purple arrows point down and up-right. Thinking of a keypad, starting from 2, you’d go down to 5 and then up-right to 1, giving you Purple as 1
  • Red/orange is two down, so Red is 7 (two down from the 1)
  • White is one across to the right, so from 7 that gives us White 8. 

Enter 2178 into the keypad and the gate will open. Use the extinguisher on the gate to beat back the flames and then click the gate once more to head inside. 

Turning on the sprinklers 

Getting started on putting the fires out at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Open the backpack (x1) to get some Cables and then open the top crate (x2) to find a Wrench. Now click the crates once more to remove them, and take the Antenna you’ll find on the floor (x3) at the base of the unit that the crates were hiding. 

Getting the router set up at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Get a close-up of the box (x4) and take the Safety Clip that’s keeping it closed. Note the paint colors on the top of the box, and the ones on the inside when you open, which gives you red, green, blue, and yellow.

Finding the paperclip at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Open the wine press (x5) to find a Router, and use the safety clip to reset it (see below). Add the cables and the antenna and it will be ready to go.   

Reseting the router at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Now use the wrench on the cartwheel (x6) and then push the cart away and remove the tarp, revealing the sprinkler pipes. Click the pipes to start a puzzle.

You simply need to make it so that all the pipes connect with each other and also to one of the pipes that comes in from the four sides, meaning there are no loose ends. All the pipe pieces are already at the correct angle and on the correct side of the image (left or right), so you just need to move them around. See the completed puzzle below.  

Completing the pipes puzzle at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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To get the sprinklers going you need a code. Look at the four sets of grapes (x7) to see that, from left to right. They have 4,6, 5, and 3 stems respectively. Now click each set of grapes to find their color, and match that to the paint colors on the code box (x4).

Working out the sprinkler code at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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This gives you 3645, so enter that into the box to turn on the sprinklers. Press the red button, and you’ll put out the fires! Click the wine cave entrance to move forward.

The wine cave

Getting into the wine cave at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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Use the extinguisher to put out the fire outside the cave and then click the smoking wood to remove it. Grab Carmela’s Scarf from the door (y1) and then use it on the wine bottle (y2) to reveal a puzzle clue. 

If you click the numbers on the lock (y1) you’ll see that each of the four dials has one red number and one white number. Note these numbers down and use them as cross reference points on the wine label to find the code. You’ll get:

  • White 2, Red 6 (7)
  • White 2, Red 8 (8)
  • White 1, Red 9 (4)
  • White 3, Red 1 (9)
The wine bottle code at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Now (ignoring the colors) you can enter the code 7849 to open the gates. Thankfully Camila is alive, so you get her back on her feet and head off towards the lake to try and avoid disaster.

Heading for the lake

Heading toward the lake at the vineyard in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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For this puzzle, you need to either move or use your extinguisher. Note that when you move the fires move, but that the fire does not move when you use the extinguisher. The fires don’t automatically move toward you, so watch how they react when you move. Also, when you go through a stone gateway, any fires behind you will not follow. Do the following:

  1. Move up
  2. Use the extinguisher
  3. Move up three times (part 1 complete)
  4. Use extinguisher (up)
  5. Move up twice
  6. Use the extinguisher (up)
  7. Move up four times (part 2 complete)
  8. Use the extinguisher (up two spaces)
  9. Use the extinguisher (up two spaces and left 1 space, see above)
  10. Move up two spaces
  11. Use the extinguisher (left)
  12. Move left three spaces (to the end)
  13. Move right three spaces (back to the central path)  
  14. Move up five spaces (part 3 complete)
  15. Use the extinguisher (up)
  16. Move right three spaces
  17. Move left three spaces
  18. Move up six spaces to be between the two extinguishers (part 4 complete)
  19. Move left one space and up one space
  20. Use the extinguisher (on the fire two spaces your left)
  21. Move left one space and then right two spaces (back to the central path)
  22. Use the extinguisher (up two spaces)
  23. Move up and out to complete the puzzle. 

Now back at the truck you’ll have to make another RP decision about the character you’re with before you’re rescued by the plane. There’s time for one more RP decision afterward before the show’s finale. 

The finale

Enjoying the finale meal at the end of the show in Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Lovers
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The whole cast is reunited for the finale, during which you need to take the rose from the table and give it to the person you want to share the prize with (including Xia). You can talk to everyone once more but again, it’s a roleplay decision so choose whoever you want. The ending will slightly change, but only in terms of the dialogue. You’ll also see hearts above characters, depending on who you completed each chapter with. 

I of course chose Ivy to be my co-winner. You then speak to that person one more time and with that, congratulations, you’ve completed Puzzle Lovers! You can even restart the level just before the end to see some other outcomes (or play through the last chapter again). 

For more Adventure Escape Mysteries walkthroughs here at Pro Game Guides, check out AE Mysteries Picture Perfect walkthrough and Sweet Dreams walkthrough – Adventure Escape Mysteries!

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