Reverse 1999 Tier List – All characters, ranked

Reverse 1999 is a unique gacha time traveling RPG with many characters to choose from. Here is a Reverse 1999 tier list with all the characters ranked so you know which units to grab for your team.
All Reverse 1999 Characters Tier List
Remember that no Reverse 1999 Characters level list is perfect because it all depends on where you are in the game, what units you have and the synergy between them. This list is based on the overall utility of units in the game.
If you prefer other units and different strategies, that also works as long as you observe team synergy. For more help with this game, be sure to check out Reverse 1999 codes.
Tier | Character |
S | Kaalaa Baunaa, Melania, Isolde, Jiu Niangzi, An-an Lee, Bkornblume, Centurion, Eternity, Jessica, Medicine Pocket, Pickles, Regulus, Tooth Fairy, Spathodea, Ezra Theodore |
A | Knight, Baby Blue, Balloon Party, Charlie, Druvis III, Lilya, Sonnet, Sotheby, Voyager, Getian, Shamane, Yenisei, Marcus |
B | Blonney, Click, Diggers, Dikke, Eagle, Horropedia, The Source, Lady Newbabel, Necrologist, Pavia, Rabies, Satsuki, Sweetheart, Twins Sleep, X, Desert Flannel, Kanjira, Ulu, Zima (Зима) |
C | Bette, Cristallo, Darley Clatter, Door, Erick, Leilani, Nick Bottom, Oliver Fog, Tennant, The Fool |
D | APPle, Bunny Bunny, John Titor, Matilda, Mesmer Jr., Mondlicht, Ms. Moissan, Ms. Radio, Onion, Poltergeist, Sputnik, TTT, aliEn T |
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Best Characters in Reverse 1999
Although there are many options to choose from in each level, here are some units that are considered the best characters in Reverse 1999.
Best S-Tier Characters in Reverse 1999
The Tooth Fairy is part of the Best S-level characters in Reverse 1999 because she has versatile utility as a healer, a debuff that increases an ally's Crit Rate, and a cleaner for all debuffs on allies. An-an Lee is another unit with a lot of utility, buffing enemy attacks while buffing team attacks, making her great when attacking and defending.
tooth fairy
The Tooth Fairy is a Star Afflatus unit that deals Mental DMG. She can heal all allies while boosting their Crit Input. She can apply a large debuff to enemies with confusion, reducing their Crit Res and helping her team actually get those critical hits. If she manages to land a critical hit with her Song for the Bad Tooth ability, she can clear all debuffs of her allies.
An-an Lee
An-an Lee is a Plant Afflatus support unit that deals Reality DMG. She is a great buffer for her team, increasing DMG on the enemies while decreasing DMG taken of her allies for two rounds. She switches between Break Time and Exorcism time. While Break time, An-an Lee reduces the DMG taken by her allies. While Exorcism Timeshe increases her DMG bonus and Penetration Rate.
Best A-Tier Characters in Reverse 1999
Two of the best A-level characters in Reverse 1999 are Sonetto and Charlie. Sonetto has great variety in its usage, buffing ally attacks, debuffing enemy attacks, and even achieving control by applying Disarm to enemies. Charlie is one of the best Damage dealers in the game but requires some effort to get the most out of her skill set.
Sonetto is a Mineral Aflatus Reality DMG unit that you can get free just playing the game. This is a big plus for such a great unit like her. she is support buffer this increases the DMG taken by the enemies while reducing the DMG taken by allies and increasing their Penetration Rate. Additionally, she can cause a Disarmed statusmeaning that the enemy cannot use attack spells.
Charlie is a Star Afflatus that deals Mental DMG. She can expel all accelerations from enemies while taking enough damage. She requires you to work to upgrade her, but once you do, she will become one of the best Major damage dealers in the game while buffing the rest of the team.
Best B-Tier Characters in Reverse 1999
Obituary is a very good support unit that extends your team's survivability. She is part of the B-level characters in Reverse 1999 only because she eats a lot of AP, and you have to be really careful how you use her. Blonney, on the other hand, is fairly simple to use but can be very useful with his high-damage output.
Necrologist is a Mineral Aflato that deals Mental DMG. Her main purpose as a support is to keep the team alive as long as possible, and she's great at it. With Whispers of the Dead, she can cause a prayer on allies and increase their DMG output. If the ally takes lethal DMG, she will keep them alive and heal them instead. Obituary takes a lot of APwhich is her biggest disadvantage.
Blonney is a Star Afflatus that deals Reality DMG. She is a powerful DPS that can deal a lot of damage to the enemy increasing the Crit Rate and Crit DMG percentage Her skill is great for increasing her Damage output, making her a great attack unit.
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Best C-Tier Characters in Reverse 1999
Leilani is one of the best C-tier characters in Reverse 1999 because of her Moxxie generation ability, but she's not higher on the list because her DMG output isn't really that good. The Fool is a great Damasorb and can be used to protect your units while also dealing real damage to the enemies.
Leilani is an Aflatus Beast free to play a character that deals with Reality DMG. She can be very useful for the Moxxie generation of her allies as well as herself. She also gets a DMG boost when attacked. She fits well with many team compositions in the early game.
The Fool
The Fool is a Star Afflatus unit that deals Mental DMG. They have a great use as a DMG absorber, taunting the enemies and attracting their attack. Protecting the team, the taunted enemies will suffer Corrodemeaning they will take Genesis damage that cannot be avoided at the end of the round.
Best D-level characters in reverse 1999
This level is full of many inferior characters that don't really have the ability to shine in the game. However, you can still find some use out of these units, especially Door and APPLe, the best D-tier characters in Reverse 1999.
an apple
APPLe is a Star Afflatus that deals Mental DMG. Like the first free unit you enter the game, APPLe is very useful in many teams, especially at the beginning of the game. He is DPS healer which deals single-target and AoE damage while increasing HP for all his allies.
a door
Door is an Intellect Afflatus unit that deals Reality DMG. He is a useful support, strengthening the HP of his allies while casting a Shield protect them He also begets lots of Moxxie for his teammates, even after death, making him very useful for your other units.
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